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 Charecter movements - doors

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Experienced Adventurer

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Charecter movements - doors Empty
PostSubject: Charecter movements - doors   Charecter movements - doors I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 17, 2013 11:45 am

Hi Phil.

Just a small question - advice.

I love doors in games but Ive noticed (unless Ive not done it right) that charecters alowed to wander freely in certain areas (we'll say lacations 50 to 70, room locations in a house) . If teh doors require the player to open and close these the charector will not travel these areas themselves as though they were able to open and close them. Is there a way around this in code that can allow a charector to move amid rooms dealing with the doors as if in real life (or appear to be able to do it as in real life). Or would it be best practice just to remove the "door" transitions from the Response table (i.e.#connect1=northto2#connect2=southto1 etc).
Its not a big deal not to have doors to interact with it just a personal thing I suppose
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Charecter movements - doors Empty
PostSubject: Re: Charecter movements - doors   Charecter movements - doors I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 19, 2013 9:12 am

garethfx wrote:

I love doors in games but Ive noticed (unless Ive not done it right) that charecters alowed to wander freely in certain areas (we'll say lacations 50 to 70, room locations in a house) . If teh doors require the player to open and close these the charector will not travel these areas themselves as though they were able to open and close them. Is there a way around this in code that can allow a charector to move amid rooms dealing with the doors as if in real life (or appear to be able to do it as in real life). Or would it be best practice just to remove the "door" transitions from the Response table (i.e.#connect1=northto2#connect2=southto1 etc).
Its not a big deal not to have doors to interact with it just a personal thing I suppose

Hmm... Good question Gareth Smile
I suppose that if you ALLOWED the connections between the rooms containing doors in the Locations Editor that the characters will then not be restricted by any such "closed doors" between adjacent rooms. This would therefore solve your character moving problem.

You could then handle the Player's movement for a closed door exit in a room by setting movement restrictions if the player tried to go that way by handling that in the RESPONSES list and using of course a FLAG! So for example, if you had a "closed door leading north" in your room description a character may well travel that way unhindered if it were travelling "randomly" - however the player would need to open the door initially before the access was available for him/her in that direction - again use of flag(s) required.

A drawback would be the exit listing would state an exit led north (even though it were blocked to the player by a closed door). Then again you get round that too by turning exits off globally with the "exitsoff" action and handle describing the exits in the location/room descriptions themselves. Something to think about...


You are in a room. A door leads north.

Exits lead: north and south.

The butler leaves moving north.

>go north

The door is closed.

>open door


>go north

You are in another room. A door leads south.

Exits lead: east and south.

The butler travels south.


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Experienced Adventurer

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Charecter movements - doors Empty
PostSubject: Re: Charecter movements - doors   Charecter movements - doors I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 20, 2013 2:55 pm

Ive made a copy of the game x 2 as the near final versions (minus graphics). I thought about thisin the same way you did here, leaving the locations routes in to allow the charecter to travel and then use the individual charecter movement command to add a little more control.
The issue of the Location report stating that there is a exit N - E etc may not be a problem as technically there ARE exits there, just a door in the way controlled by the Response editor and some flags.
If secret doors are in play and a charecter needs to appear in the secret room I suppose I can use a flag and transport them there and out again with some commands.

We'll see what transpires with some trial and error

Thanks Phil
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