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T.A.B. is an interactive fiction/text adventure program for Windows and made with thinBasic.
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 Request Charecter follow you and stop following you

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Experienced Adventurer

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PostSubject: Request Charecter follow you and stop following you   Request Charecter follow you and stop following you I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 19, 2011 4:19 pm

HI Phil.

Just started developing some charecter movements. Ive set some so that in the start of game play the charecter is static in one location i.e. a house.

I looked through the charecter commands example and as far as it goes it meets the eventuallities I'd like, so not to reinvent the wheel I used those.

I now need to prompt certain charecters to follow the player when the player requests them to do so and stop in a location and stay there until the player comes back for them.

Ive looked through the tutorial and through te example command list and either im not seeing it or its not there but is there a command to do these 2 tasks - or am I pushing the system a little to hard

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PostSubject: Re: Request Charecter follow you and stop following you   Request Charecter follow you and stop following you I_icon_minitimeSun Feb 20, 2011 8:51 am

garethfx wrote:

I now need to prompt certain charecters to follow the player when the player requests them to do so and stop in a location and stay there until the player comes back for them.
Ive looked through the tutorial and through te example command list and either im not seeing it or its not there but is there a command to do these 2 tasks - or am I pushing the system a little to hard

Hi Gareth,

Sure it can be done.

First you need to check/ensure the following words are present in the Vocabulary Editor:

V /quit/stop/
N /me/
N /following/

Entries needed in Character Editor Responses List:

[start]follow/follow me#charpresent%speech%[acts]cmess%speechname% agrees to follow you...#pattchar%speech%=follow[end]

[start]quit following/quit following me#charpresent%speech%[acts]cmess%speechname%: "I will no longer follow you then."#pattchar%speech%=random[end]

[start]wait[acts]cmess%speechname%: "I will wait here then."#pattchar%speech%=static[end]

If you want the Character to default to "static" when the player tells them to quit/stop following then alter the second entry above to:

[start]quit following/quit following me#charpresent%speech%[acts]cmess%speechname%: "I will no longer follow you then."#pattchar%speech%=static[end]

The third entry will also stop the character following and set its pattern to "static".

These entries work for ALL characters as written - you may need to customise them a bit so that they activate only for your preferred chars via the "speech" conditions.


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Experienced Adventurer

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Humor : Nothing like having a good laugh - oh and a pint!
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Registration date : 2009-09-28

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PostSubject: Re: Request Charecter follow you and stop following you   Request Charecter follow you and stop following you I_icon_minitimeSun Feb 20, 2011 9:46 am

Thats great phil.

This ones a new code set experience and I thought best ask on this . Ill be at it asap.

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Experienced Adventurer

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Humor : Nothing like having a good laugh - oh and a pint!
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Registration date : 2009-09-28

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PostSubject: Re: Request Charecter follow you and stop following you   Request Charecter follow you and stop following you I_icon_minitimeSun Feb 20, 2011 12:37 pm

Hi Phil
Gave that all a go and checked that the code in the Charecter Command area was the same - It is. The worlds are in the right areas vebs and Nouns.

I tried it using follow me fred and follow and fred follow me, then just follow me and follow. each time I get "Thas not possible"

I then went to the example game - Charecter commands. I tried it there using smith but I get the same message.

Any ideas what may be wrong here. The code is word for word - Ive retyped it in, cut and paste and checked it against the examples in the post here and from the example. still the same

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Admin Adventurer

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PostSubject: Re: Request Charecter follow you and stop following you   Request Charecter follow you and stop following you I_icon_minitimeSun Feb 20, 2011 6:55 pm

Hi Gareth,

To command characters in TAB use the format:

>say to <character>, <command(s)>

For example:
>say to farmer, get knife


>say <character>, <command(s)>

For example:
>say farmer, get knife


><character>, <command(s)>

For example:
>farmer, get knife

Do these inputs work:

>smith,follow me

>smith, stop following me

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Experienced Adventurer

Number of posts : 85
Age : 67
Location : Wales
Humor : Nothing like having a good laugh - oh and a pint!
Adventure Points : 53
Registration date : 2009-09-28

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PostSubject: Re: Request Charecter follow you and stop following you   Request Charecter follow you and stop following you I_icon_minitimeSun Feb 20, 2011 8:51 pm

yep that does it of. In the farmer example it fails because there are no commands to cover - and thats right.
The Charector command - works ok there as well - I was not using the correct syntex. But I got it so far

I copied and pasted the whole charector command section from the example and pasted it across again.

Almost missed the System Message 86 - Spent ages looking at the code then realised - went back to the "Readme" and got the prompt to back to the command example - sure enough all there.

Seems to be working. now thanks - Note to self - Make note of commands to interact and put in a help file for the end users to use themselves

cheers again Phil for the bail out.......


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