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TAB - thinBasic Adventure Builder

T.A.B. is an interactive fiction/text adventure program for Windows and made with thinBasic.
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 TAB Version 70

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Admin Adventurer

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Registration date : 2008-06-08

TAB Version 70 Empty
PostSubject: TAB Version 70   TAB Version 70 I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 23, 2022 2:32 pm


A NEW version was posted today 23 Apr 2022.

23 Apr 2022 (Release 70)
* IMPORTANT: Databases from tab_v68 will load into this new version. However they will not be fully compatible and will not run properly due to changes in the System Messages.

Email me with your database if you would like it converting to run under the new v70.

* CHANGED The "wait" action is discontinued. Use a "cmess" action instead.
eg: [start]wait[acts]cmessYou wait...[end]

* IMPROVED Invalid leading, trailing spaces or errant space characters inside Vocabulary entries are stripped out when accepted into a listbox.

* IMPROVE ALT+238 key combo can be used in vocabulary疹ong眨ords instead of nonstandard ALT+0175 symbol.

* NEW tags %objtextn1% and %objtextn2%. Substitute tag with object text description eg: "an apple" instead of object noun keyword "apple"

* CHANGED Quite a few of the system messages have been changed, simplified and/or renumbered.

* NEW Input command sentence separators in addition to (,) and (.) can be defined. Word for "undo", "but", "again" and "oops" internal keywords can be defined in System Message 60. Also in this message you can define internal words for "it", "all", and character command format. This is useful for translation purposes.

* NEW Object definite and indefinite 'article prefixes' can be set up and listed in System Message 99. (defaults for all object nouns can be customised in System Message 60)

To set up an individual object prefix simply add a definition in System Message 99 for the Object like this:
' additional definitions for Object 1 enclosed in square brackets.

[d1=an ]
[id1=some ]

[d2=the dusty old ]
[id2=antique ]

The following tags can be used in messages and System Messages to add these words as a prefix and print the object noun keyword.

%dX% - X = a valid object number 1 to 200
%idX% - X = a valid object number 1 to 200

%dn1% - operates on valid object noun 1 number
%dn2% - operates on valid object noun 2 number

%idn1% - operates on valid object noun 1 number
%idn2% - operates on valid object noun 2 number

They will print the default 'article' text + the relevent object noun or if you have listed an alternative in System Message 60 will print that text + the object instead.

[start]eat apple#here[apple][acts]cmessYou eat %d1%.#destroy[apple][end]

>eat apple
You eat an apple.

[start]eat %objn1%#objlocn1=here[acts]cmessYou cannot eat %dn1%.[end]

>eat chair
You cannot eat the dusty old chair.

(These new %tags% may help for text adventure translation purposes and also for adding further prefix text before an object NOUN is printed.)
*NEW Missing opposite action commands to "objlistoff", "charlistoff", "invlistoff" and "speechlistoff"

objliston - list objects normally
charliston - list characters normally
invliston - list inventory normally
speechliston - report speech entries when Character not in player room

* IMPROVED TAB Viewers clear properly when new menu option selected. Option [View All Data] loads ALL game data into viewer. Can be saved out as a text file using [Save Data] to keep a record of all current data of a game.

* NEW French text %tags% for Male and Female characters:

%il.elle.n1% - prints "il" or "elle" depending on Character n1 gender (male or female only)
%ils.elles.n1% - prints "ils" or "elles" depending on Character n1 gender
%il.elle.n2% - prints "il" or "elle" depending on Character n2 gender
%ils.elles.n2% - prints "ils" or "elles" depending on Character n2 gender
%il.elle.speech% - prints "il" or "elle" depending on Character speech number's gender
%ils.elles.speech% - prints "ils" or "elles" depending on Character speeech number's gender

Respective variable charn1, charn2 or speech variable must hold a value >0.

Best wishes,
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TAB Version 70

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