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 Character movements and door

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Experienced Adventurer

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PostSubject: Character movements and door   Character movements and door I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 30, 2012 7:15 pm

Phil - just checking as Im sure Ive seen it somewhere either here or in CAT

Am I right ...... Characters can only move (when their route is placed in the walk=xyz) in directions specified in the 'exit connections' area of the locations data set. They cannot move where the locations are opened in the response table i.e. connect2=southto1

If that is the case is there a work around so that when a player opens a door that a is in the walk area of a character that the character then walks through that "doorway".

hope Ive made that lot clear?

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Admin Adventurer

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Character movements and door Empty
PostSubject: Re: Character movements and door   Character movements and door I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 30, 2012 8:05 pm

Hi Gareth,
Yes you are right. If you created a a sensible walk pattern using the exits initially created in the Location Editor then the character will not deviate from that pattern during the game even if you open up a new exit in a room where that character is.

However a random moving character moves according to the latest exits available in a room so might feasibly use the newly opened exit and move through it. Same if a Character is set to 'follow you' and you go through a newly made exit - it will follow you through.

But remember you can change/rewrite the state of a walk pattern during a game using the "pattchar" actions


pattcharX=Y$ - change a move pattern of a Character
eg: pattchar1=random ; pattchar3=p,p,p,2,1 ; pattchar2=static ; pattchar16=follow

Also you can enter a special pattern for a random moving character to prevent or prohibit it entering location(s) by creating a pattern in the Character Editor move pattern field eg:


(Char can move anywhere except by any exits leading to rooms 13 or 15)

If you change a pattern to say:


It means that character will now be set to random but it will be unable to enter location 56.

Hope that helps.


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Experienced Adventurer

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Humor : Nothing like having a good laugh - oh and a pint!
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Character movements and door Empty
PostSubject: Re: Character movements and door   Character movements and door I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 31, 2012 4:12 pm

Hi Phil.. Yep thought Id got the restriction right.

About the pattchar3 command.
If I set a pattern against this tied to the flag of the door open/close Im assuming that the character will "walk" it fully and stay in its last loaction when the flag shows door closed?

also where is this comman best used in the response table as its the players last action that will trigger it i.e. open door.

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Admin Adventurer

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Registration date : 2008-06-08

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PostSubject: Re: Character movements and door   Character movements and door I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 31, 2012 5:41 pm

Well if you close an exit to a location that is currently being used as part of a walk pattern by a character - the character will still move thru the exit as if were not closed... This probably you do not want to happen so ehen you close the exit you may need to reset/change or amend the characters pattern to disallow movement that way using the pattcharX command...
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PostSubject: Re: Character movements and door   Character movements and door I_icon_minitime

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