- garethfx wrote:
Im sorting some character interaction and just wondered if I use the %r% action in the cmess reply will it give a random cmess response as in normal cmess usgaes. I have tried it but I get the %r% showing in the test - Have I missed something or is this one of the cannot do's with this command?
You have to get the %r% tags in the right places for it to work smoothly of course.
I'm not quite EXACTLY sure what sort of character interaction you mean but you CAN use random %r% tags in a custom message (cmess) action in the CHARACTER SPEECH RESPONSES list (found in the Character Editor)
Example usage of %r% tags in a cmess action for a HELLO type command:
[start]hello#charpresent%speech%[acts]cmessThis is random text 1.%r%This is random text 2. %r%This is random text 3.[end]
You therefore might enter such a code snippet as this:
[start]hello#charpresent%speech%[acts]cmess%speechname% says hello.%r%%speechname% bids you a cheery greeting.%r%%speechname% acknowledges your welcome.[end]
You might need to add carriage returns to your random message elements so you could do this:
[start]hello#charpresent%speech%[acts]cmess%speechname% says hello.
%r%%speechname% bids you a cheery greeting.
%r%%speechname% acknowledges your welcome.
Above code would work for ALL characters by default - but that is customizable etc... using the "speech" CONDITION
Also worth checking out other forms of Character Speech Messages
For instance:
charmsgX - where X is a MESSAGE number. Print EACH Speech Character's INDIVIDUAL response to a command confined in ONE message....
Use a blank, spare or unused message for character replies using this action.
>say to <character>, hello
command HELLO
This message deals with player saying hello to character.
'REM comments are allowed.
%ch1%%speechname% says: "Hello".%ch1%
%ch2%%speechname% says: "Hello to you as well!"%ch2%
%ch3%%speechname% greets you pleasantly with a courteous nod.%ch3%
%chdef%The %speechnoun% welcomes you with a smile.%chdef%
Remember to add carriage returns to elements of ordinary messages if you need to
Char Response Command:
PLUS You can use random %r% message tags inside of %chX% tags as well. Remember to use correct format for random message elements.
Also there are other Character Speech Actions:
speech=charn1 - set speech to be number of charn1
speech=charn2 - set speech to be number of charn2
speech=X - set speech to character number X (1-100)
And also these
charobjn1msg - Prints objn1 examine text response by speech character
charobjn2msg - Prints objn2 examine text response by speech character
charcharn1msg - similar to "charobjn1msg". Prints Character n1 examine text response by speech character
charcharn2msg - similar to "charobjn2msg". Prints Character n2 examine text response by speech character
Hope this helps. Let me know.
catventure (Phil)