TAB - thinBasic Adventure Builder
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TAB - thinBasic Adventure Builder

T.A.B. is an interactive fiction/text adventure program for Windows and made with thinBasic.
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 My TAB game on You Tube. Click on the link to marvel!

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Apprentice Adventurer

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PostSubject: My TAB game on You Tube. Click on the link to marvel!   My TAB game on You Tube. Click on the link to marvel! I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 27, 2008 6:41 pm

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PostSubject: Re: My TAB game on You Tube. Click on the link to marvel!   My TAB game on You Tube. Click on the link to marvel! I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 27, 2008 11:14 pm

Very good.

I liked the photos and the music as well.

Looks to be coming along nicely.

Best regards,
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PostSubject: cooooooooooooooooooool i have a question   My TAB game on You Tube. Click on the link to marvel! I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 4:33 pm

um can u tell me the script to change the bottom right picture, i know the movie code to show.
but i dont know how to change bottom right.
please im stupid dont relly know much.
im creating a game called "PrimitiveMUD" its gunan be good.
But tell me the code here to change pic at bottom, so i cna copy it and paste in code script.
is there someway i can make the pic move from 1 sprite pic to another. lol!
see that lol thing like that at the bottom pic like it movin 1 spirte to another tell me code
but if not just tell me first one, and nice game.
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PostSubject: Re: My TAB game on You Tube. Click on the link to marvel!   My TAB game on You Tube. Click on the link to marvel! I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 4:55 pm

Hi PrimitiveUser and welcome to the TAB forum.
TAB program is all about text adventures and is not really a dungeon or rpg creator.

The action commands for showing pics in the upper and lower graphic slots are:




(shows image in picbox1 ; upper right box)




(show image in picbox2; bottom right box)

TAB will accept pictures in .jpg .gif. .bmp and .png format only and the extension suffix should be included in the action command code eg:


Pics should be sized to the following dimensions to display properly:

150 x 135 pixels.

If the picture is larger it will be centred in the box.

Now you have the info - but just exactly how and when do you want to display the picture???

It is possible to flip thru a series of pics (like a slideshow) by stringing picture display actions together with a 'pauseX' action between each picture eg:


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Novice Adventurer

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PostSubject: thnx catadventure. and the bottom thing u sed wus wut i wanted but i need help   My TAB game on You Tube. Click on the link to marvel! I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 5:31 pm

Tell me everthing i need to put in to *get the picture slideshow thru*

tell me it like this

[start]turns=1[acts]cmessPlease wait for video to load.#cmessPress <ESCAPE> to exit video.#playmovie2movie_0001.wmv[end]

tell me everything so i can copy that whole code into script 2.

can u tell me the first regular one. (just incase)

and pllz tell me the slide show one like the one u told me at the bottom.

(remember the whole script) from start to end!

thnx affraid Arrow 0 Twisted Evil Shocked Sad Very Happy thnx

and how can i make the picture, or picture slideshow do for page 1, 2, 3, just like how the movie code works
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PostSubject: Re: My TAB game on You Tube. Click on the link to marvel!   My TAB game on You Tube. Click on the link to marvel! I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 6:16 pm


TAB allows you to have pictures of the "locations", "objects" and the "characters" in your game.
But you can also show any other pics too (including movieclips)

First of all you will need some pictures sized correctly 150x135 pixels.

Let's say for example you have made 5 .jpg images that you want to use called:


You must place these created images into the "graphics" folder in the TAB main directory first...

You can call up or show these images at various points in your game by placing code to do so in one of the coding editors: Response, Script1 or Script2.

For instance if you wanted to show image1 in the bottom right picbox on turn 7 of the game you could put an entry into Script2 like so:


If you wanted to make a kind of slideshow effect on turn 7 of the game use something like:


"pause5" in the above entry pauses the game for 5 seconds before going on to show the next picture... Change this to whatever you like to set the delay between pictures.

Hope this helps,
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Novice Adventurer

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PostSubject: errors plz correct   My TAB game on You Tube. Click on the link to marvel! I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 6:34 pm

it worked but the image slideshow this is my code


i was testing the pauses out by putting 0 1 3 5 every test play.

it only shows picture number 3....

i want it to take me to turn 1, which is page 2, then the first pic 1 comes up then 2 then 3.

its only showing 3. when i put pause to 1 2 3 4 5 or higher it pauses it on turn 0 which is the first page.

until the number of pauses ex. #pause5 or whatever it pauses for 5 then it takes me to turn 1 showing the pic number 3 not a slideshow at all...
plz correct code plz

and about the turns, i do not want turns, i want a room 2 or 3 or whatever for it to take action.

because theres gunna be some picking up items, and u can wear it or not wear it.

p.s how can i change the klim.mod music into my music example: music.mid or i cant use mid.
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Apprentice Adventurer

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PostSubject: Re: My TAB game on You Tube. Click on the link to marvel!   My TAB game on You Tube. Click on the link to marvel! I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 8:30 pm

PrimitiveUser wrote:
um can u tell me the script to change the bottom right picture, i know the movie code to show.
but i dont know how to change bottom right.
please im stupid dont relly know much.
im creating a game called "PrimitiveMUD" its gunan be good.
But tell me the code here to change pic at bottom, so i cna copy it and paste in code script.
is there someway i can make the pic move from 1 sprite pic to another. lol!
see that lol thing like that at the bottom pic like it movin 1 spirte to another tell me code
but if not just tell me first one, and nice game.

A better way than a slide show is to use a video file. If you have a digicam. Record what you want and have TAB play it in one of the 2 windows. Or paste your images to a windows program like Windows Movie Maker. Put in your own pauses and even add some kind of music.

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Novice Adventurer

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PostSubject: Re: My TAB game on You Tube. Click on the link to marvel!   My TAB game on You Tube. Click on the link to marvel! I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 9:06 pm

MidKnight wrote:
PrimitiveUser wrote:
um can u tell me the script to change the bottom right picture, i know the movie code to show.
but i dont know how to change bottom right.
please im stupid dont relly know much.
im creating a game called "PrimitiveMUD" its gunan be good.
But tell me the code here to change pic at bottom, so i cna copy it and paste in code script.
is there someway i can make the pic move from 1 sprite pic to another. lol!
see that lol thing like that at the bottom pic like it movin 1 spirte to another tell me code
but if not just tell me first one, and nice game.

A better way than a slide show is to use a video file. If you have a digicam. Record what you want and have TAB play it in one of the 2 windows. Or paste your images to a windows program like Windows Movie Maker. Put in your own pauses and even add some kind of music.


nope im not creating a real life graphic sort of game...more like cartoon or u can say real life edited coloring

sort of wat runescapeis doing
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Admin Adventurer

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PostSubject: Re: My TAB game on You Tube. Click on the link to marvel!   My TAB game on You Tube. Click on the link to marvel! I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 9:21 pm

Hi PrimitiveUser,

I know you are new to the TAB program and this forum.

First the music and sounds: you cannot use .mid files!
Sound and music supported: mp3, ogg, wav, aiff and mod.

TAB uses the TBASS.dll for the sound functions and it doesn't play midi files. Sorry.

So to make it play a different background tune put a .mod or .mp3 music file into the "sounds" directory of the TAB folder and change the code entry from "klim.mod" so that it plays YOUR tune instead...

I am not fully understanding you about the "pages" or "sprites". In TAB you cannot use sprite commands like in some animation files used by some 2D or 3D gamekits you may be familiar with.

If you want to show your own room/location pics then simply replace the existing pics in the "graphics" directory within the TAB folder.



When the player is in Room 1 TAB will automatically show the associated location picture for that room. (loc1.bmp)
If the player moves to room 2 then the loc2.jpg pic will be shown in the upper right picbox.

TAB only supports static pictures or photos and just recently videoclips.

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Novice Adventurer

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PostSubject: ok   My TAB game on You Tube. Click on the link to marvel! I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 11:30 pm

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PostSubject: Re: My TAB game on You Tube. Click on the link to marvel!   My TAB game on You Tube. Click on the link to marvel! I_icon_minitime

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