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 TAB Coding Extension: "then"

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Admin Adventurer

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TAB Coding Extension: "then" Empty
PostSubject: TAB Coding Extension: "then"   TAB Coding Extension: "then" I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 20, 2008 10:19 am


I'm pleased to announce ACTION command #then# is back for next release !

Example RESPONSE usage format:

[start]words conditions#condition#condition[acts]action#action#then#condition#condition[acts]action#action#then#condition#condition[acts]action#action[end]

Therefore you can have multiple conditions and actions in respect of the SAME starting "words conditions".

Think of action "#then#" as meaning if previous actions triggered THEN DO next set of conditions/actions.

In other words if the FIRST Response entry conditions and actions were executed THEN do the next set of conditions and actions... If those have executed successfully then continue on to process the final set of conditions and actions!

Works also in Script 1 and 2.

This extension to the coding makes again for more power and flexibility.

Can be used to good effect in conjunction with "or_" conditions and "else" action as well.

[start]words conditions#or_condition#or_condition#condition[acts]action#action#else#condition#condition[acts]action#then#or_condition#or_condition[acts]action[end]

In this second example the "then" action is only carried out if the set of actions following the "else" were done.

Will be present in next release.

Best wishes,
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