HI Everyone!
Ive looked through most of the historical entries here but I can't see anything to meet my problem. By the way, Ive just joined after many a long year away in the wilderness, previously I was a CAT adventure creator - but very low level.
Ok - The issue
I have a building which has Gas lighting in each room. The gas lightig will eventually serve 2 purposes (1) light - of course and (2) The source of coal gas inhalation which could be fatal to the player. Im planning a number of rooms where the gas will need to be ignited and will there after be swopped for a light source.
In your opinion WHAT is the most efficient way of doing this ?
Would it be by creating a flag for each room and moving a (static) LIT GAS LAMP (OBJ_Light Source) to wherever the player is with an appropriately loaded flag
Is ther a better way