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TAB - thinBasic Adventure Builder

T.A.B. is an interactive fiction/text adventure program for Windows and made with thinBasic.
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 coding characters

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PostSubject: coding characters   coding characters I_icon_minitimeSat May 28, 2011 8:27 pm

Im a bit confused as to what goes where when it comes to characters.

What goes in response and what goes in the char commands section.

I would have thought it would have been simpler to have all character commands and responses in one editor.

But im not really sure where to put the character commands.

What goes in response and what goes in char commands???


Kind Regards


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PostSubject: Re: coding characters   coding characters I_icon_minitimeSun May 29, 2011 9:27 am

Hi stants,

In fact when writing the program it turned out it was better to have the character commands separate from the player commands.
Not all games will use the optional character commands facility - so in those cases there will just be a couple of "default" entries (which you've already discovered in

All you have to remember is that if there is a command (coding entry) that must be recognized by a CHARACTER then it must be listed in the "Char Responses" as opposed to the normal "Player Response" list.

Character speech commands are simply commands that follow an input command that begins:

>say to <character>,
>say <character>,

and thus that is how they are differentiated and interpreted as a non player character (NPC) command rather than a normal player character command.

In general, you should find it beneficial to have all these sorts of commands in the same place and it seemed therefore a good idea to have them accessible via the Character Editor.

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