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 Examining Charactor/Charactor is carrying xyz

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Experienced Adventurer

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Examining Charactor/Charactor is carrying   xyz Empty
PostSubject: Examining Charactor/Charactor is carrying xyz   Examining Charactor/Charactor is carrying   xyz I_icon_minitimeSun May 30, 2010 11:48 am

Hi guys

Just catching up and starting to get back in to some of the code uses.

I’m planning a range of characters’ who will be carting items the player will obtain/ need to obtain. Whilst I can describe the character using a %R% function to get some differences I will also want to have the player find the character carrying the item and therefore when “examine person” is used I need the generic character description plus is carry a xzy to also appear.

Ive allocated some locations (192 to 197) to place the objects in to and of course allocated the same numbers to the characters i.e. character 195 has loc 195 to carry their objects. I need now to tie up the examine command with the character and the objects location

I hope that all made sense.

I have look through some of the example but I cannot see how its is done when I went through the cave scenario.

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Examining Charactor/Charactor is carrying   xyz Empty
PostSubject: Re: Examining Charactor/Charactor is carrying xyz   Examining Charactor/Charactor is carrying   xyz I_icon_minitimeSun May 30, 2010 4:12 pm

Hi Gareth,

There's no need to do all of that:

Character carried locations are 601 to 700
Character worn locations are 701 to 800

Objects can be initially placed in these locations
in the Object Editor. eg: An Object 1 starting in room 603
would be carried by Character 3. (603 is Char 3's carried loc)
eg: An object placed in room 712 would be worn by Character 12.
(712 is Character 12's worn inventory)

* "charn1inv", "charn2inv" and "charinvX" actions made to
display the Character's inventories. By default these are
shown after a player 'examines' a Character so the player can
see if a character owns anything.

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Experienced Adventurer

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Examining Charactor/Charactor is carrying   xyz Empty
PostSubject: Re: Examining Charactor/Charactor is carrying xyz   Examining Charactor/Charactor is carrying   xyz I_icon_minitimeSun May 30, 2010 5:09 pm

well Ill go o the foot of our stairs!!!!!

As always Phil my gratitude is only exceeded by my feeling of being a prat lol.......

Am I right in saying that the carried and worn locations were like this in CAT a while ago?
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Experienced Adventurer

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Registration date : 2009-09-28

Examining Charactor/Charactor is carrying   xyz Empty
PostSubject: Re: Examining Charactor/Charactor is carrying xyz   Examining Charactor/Charactor is carrying   xyz I_icon_minitimeSun May 30, 2010 6:45 pm

Hi again Phil

I did what you suggested.

I recreated a charactor as 1, gave it a generic description and I placed it in the game at location 16 - This is just so that I can start at 15 and move in to the location, get the description and check if all is working as expected. I made my object, a small leather bag as Obj 196 and set room 196 as the inside as it will carry a small object later. I set the start location for object 196 at 601 - 1 being the charactor number and I set the Charactor to start in loc 16 so he will be there when I arrive

Accepted/saved etc no issue.

When I arrive at location 16 I get the location description, Im told the charactor is there and when I examine "grimey", the name of the charector I get the general description but no mention of the carried item.

I have checked the RESPONSE table and the 2 examine codes are there identical to thse in the game example
[start]examine %charn1%/examine %charn1% %charn2%#charpresentn1[acts]autoexamchar[end]

[start]examine %charn1%/examine %charn1% %charn2%#charabsentn1[acts]cmess%charname1% is not here![end]

I didnt make any changes there at all as they are the same as the example and I expected them to pick up the same - OR have I missed something in the language text file and in the example ?? should I change them in someway
sorry about this
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Examining Charactor/Charactor is carrying   xyz Empty
PostSubject: Re: Examining Charactor/Charactor is carrying xyz   Examining Charactor/Charactor is carrying   xyz I_icon_minitimeSun May 30, 2010 7:00 pm

Hi Gareth,

It changed in Release 20:

"autoexamchar" ACTION will not now describe characters inventory by default
Use action "charn1inv", "charn2inv" or "charinvX" after this action to show this if necessary.

[start]examine %charn1%/examine %charn1% %charn2%#charpresentn1[acts]autoexamchar#charn1inv[end]

Please try that and let me know. Smile

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Experienced Adventurer

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Examining Charactor/Charactor is carrying   xyz Empty
PostSubject: Re: Examining Charactor/Charactor is carrying xyz   Examining Charactor/Charactor is carrying   xyz I_icon_minitimeSun May 30, 2010 7:04 pm


Yep I found it - I went backk to the examples and checked the one line of code word by word and yep the
[start]examine %charn1%/examine %charn1% %charn2%#charpresentn1[acts]autoexamchar[end] was there

I replced with
[start]examine %charn1%/examine %charn1% %charn2%#charpresentn1[acts]autoexamchar#charn1inv[end]
and of course it worked

Sorry mate I read the code for nearly 40 minutes and still didt see the one word change

Thanks again I have to make sure I d/l the most up to date to be sure I have the changes
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Admin Adventurer

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Examining Charactor/Charactor is carrying   xyz Empty
PostSubject: Re: Examining Charactor/Charactor is carrying xyz   Examining Charactor/Charactor is carrying   xyz I_icon_minitimeSun May 30, 2010 7:07 pm

Good. I am happy it is now working for you OK.

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PostSubject: Re: Examining Charactor/Charactor is carrying xyz   Examining Charactor/Charactor is carrying   xyz I_icon_minitime

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