- garethfx wrote:
Because some players will not think of how to deal with a problem I wanted to make a system which would expect an input. If that was to be correct game play continues if not it will give subtle hints after so many seconds continually until it got to the point where the plays is actually told what to do. Am I to assume I need to make an input for each of the flag20 incriments in script 2 for flag20=5 then again for flag20=6 etc etc so that if an input is not recieved in each it will incriment the flag from scrpit2 as below
[start]room=16#flag20=4#[acts]cmessA small, funny little creature suddenly appears carrying a little leather bag, He looks shocked to see you standing there. He freezes and clasps the bag tightly to his small bent frame as he fixes his cruel green eyes on you.#flag20=5#charloc1=room#timeout=20#flag20=6[end]
with the code below preeding it
[start]flag20=6[acts]cmessyet another hint!#etc..etc..[end]
[start]flag20=7[acts]cmessyet another simplar hint!#etc..etc..[end]
and so on?
Hi Gareth.
Well the easiest way is to do something like this; just put the entries in reverse order like so and arrange your entries something like this:
[start]flag20=8#room=16[acts]cmessFinal Sledgehammer Hint!!#timeout=0#flag20=9[end]
[start]flag20=7#room=16[acts]cmessyet another simplar hint!#etc..etc..#flag20=8[end]
[start]flag20=6#room=16[acts]cmessyet another hint!#etc..etc..#flag20=7[end]
[start]flag20=5#room=16[acts]cmessThis is the first hint.#flag20=6[end]
[start]room=16#flag20=4#[acts]cmessA small, funny little creature suddenly appears carrying a little leather bag, He looks shocked to see you standing there. He freezes and clasps the bag tightly to his small bent frame as he fixes his cruel green eyes on you.#flag20=5#charloc1=room#timeout=20[end]
A problem that might need covering is if the player decides to leave that room without dealing with the character... The timeout will still be in operation... but you could make it so the player can't leave the room until they've solved the puzzle with an entry in RESPONSE (before the standard default entry dealing with player movement) like:
[start]go %directn1%#room=16#flag20>4#flag20<9[acts]cmessThe small creature moves to block your attempts to exit the room![end]