TAB - thinBasic Adventure Builder
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TAB - thinBasic Adventure Builder

T.A.B. is an interactive fiction/text adventure program for Windows and made with thinBasic.
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 TAB Musings

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Admin Adventurer

Number of posts : 410
Age : 72
Location : UK
Humor : Enjoys a laugh!
Adventure Points : 77
Registration date : 2008-06-08

TAB Musings Empty
PostSubject: TAB Musings   TAB Musings I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 25, 2021 12:01 pm

Hi Tabber's!

I had thought of entering the Adventuron Jam with a TAB game but was recently rocked by a family death so never got around to it.
Might have a go at the ParserComp 2021 which starts in June though, if I can finish the game I'm working on in time...

It's very quiet on the TAB adventure front lately. People are electing to use other creators like Adventuron, DAAD and making 8-bit compatible games and ones that will run in a browser or phone or going for choice based narrative type MCA's (multiple choice adventures) such as those made with TWINE etc. Perhaps there's not so much interest any more in making Windows-specific games for people to play.

The TAB is an offline parser-based creator, based on the QUILL/PAW principles but quite powerful because of the extended condacts and, of course, it is my engine of choice if I wish to build an IF game, because I find it so much easier to use.

However, I don't know of ANYONE, apart from myself of course, who might be using TAB right now to create a game. I made some improvements to it earlier in the year which are proving very handy and useful and updated the start tutorial.

Maybe I should also think about holding or organising a TAB-only adventure jam/competition as well? Might be fun and interesting to see if there are any souls who would consider joining in and trying out the software by devising a small game using it?? I really would like to produce a great game with lots of user friendly responses as I believe it would showcase the TAB to good effect in the community.

Time goes fast and I'm getting older. I'm a pensioner now. I will continue to support the program and provide help and contact with user questions and coding enquiries and whatnot while the program is still alive - I don't really want to abandon or close down the TAB project and I will continue to give it my time unless there comes a point when nothing is happening or the feedback stops completely or it outgrows its usefulness or ceases to become a viable choice for making IF.

You can check out the TAB program at
There is a link there to this TAB forum. The TAB discussion thrived here at one point in time - but I guess things have moved on a bit since then?

Happy Spring and Good Adventuring to you all.
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