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T.A.B. is an interactive fiction/text adventure program for Windows and made with thinBasic.
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 sample looping

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PostSubject: sample looping   sample looping I_icon_minitimeWed May 04, 2011 9:33 am

currently when location 1 is displayed (The Bridge) i play a sample. Its quite a long sample.

There is one exit that leads in to the turbolift. When i go in to the turbolift it plays the doorsopeningwav sample and the sample that was being played in loc 1 stops playing which is good and how it should work.

If im in location 2(Turbolift) and i decide to go back out to the Bridge. It doesnt play the first sample which is correct.

I only want the first sample in loc 1 to play once so working correctly except for 1 thing.

If im in loc 1 and i type r for redscribe its playing the sample again. Also if wait until the sample finishes it starts again.

Two questions:

1) How can i stop the sample from playing if the user types r for redescribe
2) The sample starts off as being a looped sample. I do not want this - how do i make the sample just play once without relooping.



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PostSubject: Re: sample looping   sample looping I_icon_minitimeWed May 04, 2011 11:24 am

Hi stants,

Can you show the coding entry that calls the "playsample" action when on the bridge?
Also, I do not know why the sample would continually loop since it is not being called by the "loopsample" action... Could be some internal flag structure inside the sample file which is making it an auto-loop file!?

I'm presuming your entry is in Script 1 (called after location describe)

You could use a flag to prevent repetition of a sample when "look" is typed.



Here the sample is played on entrance to the room - but if the room is redescribed it will not be replayed... because the condition flag15=0 will no longer be true.
(you may still hear it if is VERY LONG because it may still be playing thru from when it was initially played; depends when you redescribe the room)

Hopefully, that will work though.


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