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 Re: Elevator

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Experienced Adventurer

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Re: Elevator Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elevator   Re: Elevator I_icon_minitimeSun May 01, 2011 6:34 pm

ok I have several decks on the enterprise (lets say I have 6 decks). Youre on the bridge and you decide to enter the elevator where you can access different floors. The bridge is loc1 and the lift is locaton 2. Lets say that for instance you are in the elevator and you wish to go to deck D. I need to transfer the player to the first location in deck D however imagine you are in a lift. When the lift reaches deck D I am still in the lift but on a different floor. So im thinking maybe i could have 6 different lift locations all doing the same thing.

LIFT - DECK A location2 (still in lift)
LIFT - DECK B location 3 (still in lift)
LIFT - DECK C location 4 (still in lift)
LIFT - DECK D location 5 (still in lift)
LIFT - DECK E location 6 (still in lift)
LIFT - DECK F location 7 (still in lift)
I print a suitable cmess that prints "You are now in the TurboLift. Which deck please? You can say 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E','F'. (Dont need 'A' as we are already at 'A')

Editor prints What now?

Do i put code in the response table that reads like this:

[start]D#room=2#[acts]typemessPleaseWait...cmessArriving at Deck D.#room=5#desc[end]

so if i type D and im in room 2 slowly print message "Please Wait..." Then print message "Arriving at Deck D". Move the player to room 5 and describe it. (Room five is still in the lift but now on a different level.

So it describes location 5 but i cant use the same message as I did before as we are now on D deck and we dont want to show D as we are already there so i print a different cmess again "You are now in the TurboLift. Which deck please? You can say 'A', 'B', 'C', 'E', 'F'.

I dont want to use the lift again as im at the floor i want to exit from so I can just exit from one of the exits that ive keyed into the editor.
i think this is how im meant to do this but just want to make sure im doing it right.

By the way i know cmess prints a custom message but I was thinking maybe i could enter the 6 messages that i need into the messages editor but how do i refer to these in code.
I think I might have missed reading it but would like to know instead of printing a custom message i can use some from the message editor.


Kind Regards
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Re: Elevator Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re: Elevator   Re: Elevator I_icon_minitimeSun May 01, 2011 7:18 pm

Great idea about the turbolift. You've done well with it so far.

I will need a little time to have a think about the best way...
I think it may be possible with just ONE lift location but I feel it will require the use of a couple of flags. I will reply back later.

Messages Editor.
You can enter messages here and execute them in coding entries with the
"messX" action.
#messX# - show message X without carriage return (unless entered)


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Re: Elevator Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re: Elevator   Re: Elevator I_icon_minitimeSun May 01, 2011 7:45 pm

Here is one possible solution:

Locations 2,3,4,5,6,7 text =

"You are in the turbolift."

SCRIPT 1 entry:

[start]room=2[acts]cmessComputer: "Which deck please?
You can say 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'.#else#room=3[acts]cmessComputer: "Which deck please?
You can say 'A', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F.'#else#room=4[acts]cmessComputer: "Which deck please?
You can say 'A', 'B', 'D', 'E', 'F.'#else#room=5[acts]cmessComputer: "Which deck please?
You can say 'A', 'B', 'C', 'E', 'F.'#else#room=6[acts]cmessComputer: "Which deck please?
You can say 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'F.#else#room=7[acts]cmessComputer: "Which deck please?
You can say 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'.[end]

RESPONSE entries:

[start]a#room>2#room<8#[acts]typemessPleaseWait...cmessArriving at Deck A.#room=2#desc#else#room=2[acts]cmessComputer: "Sir, you are already on Deck A!"[end]

[start]b#room>1#room<8#room<>3[acts]typemessPleaseWait...cmessArriving at Deck B.#room=3#desc#else#room=3[acts]cmessComputer: "Sir, you are already on Deck B!"[end]

[start]c#room>1#room<8#room<>4[acts]typemessPleaseWait...cmessArriving at Deck C.#room=4#desc#else#room=4[acts]cmessComputer: "Sir, you are already on Deck C!"[end]

[start]d#room>1#room<8#room<>5[acts]typemessPleaseWait...cmessArriving at Deck D.#room=5#desc#else#room=5[acts]cmessComputer: "Sir, you are already on Deck D!"[end]

[start]e#room>1#room<8#room<>6[acts]typemessPleaseWait...cmessArriving at Deck E.#room=6#desc#else#room=6[acts]cmessComputer: "Sir, you are already on Deck E!"[end]

[start]f#room>1#room<7[acts]typemessPleaseWait...cmessArriving at Deck F.#room=7#desc#else#room=7[acts]cmessComputer: "Sir, you are already on Deck F!"[end]

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Re: Elevator Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re: Elevator   Re: Elevator I_icon_minitimeSun May 01, 2011 8:17 pm

Hi Phil

location 1 is the bridge - there is an exit leading north to turbolift which is lcoation 2.

ok in locations 2-7 i put in the long description text "You are in the turbolift."

Also i describe that there is an exit south leading to the bridge.

Copied script 1 entries to script 1 editor.
Copied respones entries to response editor.

Accepted both.

Tested the adventure.

Cant get it working. Every time I hit B C D E or F it doesnt understand command.
Im sure im doing something wrong. Does ABCDEF have to be in vocabulary for this to work.
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Re: Elevator Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re: Elevator   Re: Elevator I_icon_minitimeSun May 01, 2011 8:23 pm



You'll need a, b, c, e, f and g into the VERB vocabulary as separate verbs!

(they might come in handy later on as other options...)

Wait a min... I think it "d" already present as a synonym of down!! So maybe not enter that one - might cause problems if entered as a verb.
Just enter verbs for a,b,c,e and f. (lower case remember)

Should work now. Fingers crossed Rolling Eyes

If still a problem using "d" then move those response entries to ABOVE the standard default movement entry:
[start]go %directn1%[acts]moveplayer[end]

Or easier - move that entry to below your elevator responses

Do not put "d" in the verb vocabulary.


Last edited by catventure on Sun May 01, 2011 8:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Re: Elevator Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re: Elevator   Re: Elevator I_icon_minitimeSun May 01, 2011 8:35 pm

hehehe im getting there slowly lol

I cannt use e as that is used for east
I cannot use d as that is used for down
i cannot use a as that is a deletion word

Im going to have to use different letters which is a shame.

So will it work if i leave e, d and a out of the verb list.

I dont see how this will work as surely they have to be in the verb list for it to understand the commands.

It works if i use b,c and f. The other letters wont because they are used for something else.


Will it work if i leave them out or do i need to use different letters instead.
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Re: Elevator Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re: Elevator   Re: Elevator I_icon_minitimeSun May 01, 2011 8:43 pm

You're right!
Damn. Forgot about that! Wouldn't matter so much if it was multi-choice adventure.

Could you use NUMBERS instead as the verbs?
1,2,3,4,5 ?

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Re: Elevator Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re: Elevator   Re: Elevator I_icon_minitimeSun May 01, 2011 8:50 pm

Yes i could use numbers thats not a problem. Hmmm how about names for the different decks.

Maybe i can use names for the decks. That would be better.


That would work wouldnt it.



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Re: Elevator Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re: Elevator   Re: Elevator I_icon_minitimeSun May 01, 2011 8:54 pm

Okay. Seems a good solution. Remember you can use the LONG VERB for the two word destinations - if you want to keep those decks all as verbs only.

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