TAB - thinBasic Adventure Builder
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TAB - thinBasic Adventure Builder

T.A.B. is an interactive fiction/text adventure program for Windows and made with thinBasic.
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 RE: Adventures

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Experienced Adventurer

Number of posts : 71
Age : 50
Location : Maidstone, Kent, UK
Humor : I shall tear your soul Apart!!!!!
Adventure Points : 32
Registration date : 2009-09-16

RE: Adventures Empty
PostSubject: RE: Adventures   RE: Adventures I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 23, 2011 8:55 pm

I use TAB quite frequently. I want to design a pretty cool adventure game but im not sure what program to use. I do like using TAB but how come there are hardly any adventures written for it. CAT had quite a few adventure games which I loved playing. What i want to know is this. Is there anyway you can convert CAT adventures to the new TAB program or would they have to be totally recoded. I guess totally recoded. And my second question why are there no adventures for TAB. Well theres a couple I have played but wouldnt it be cool if we had access to a few hundred text adventures for TAB. I do like ADRIFT as it has many adventures to play but I dont get the same feel as TAB. I think TAB is better than ADRIFT just because i like the way the text is set out and also the way it describes exits and locations as well as objects. I think TAB is a great program though although it would be nice to see TAB maybe support more objects and rooms and characters. Dont know quite how many maximum rooms are allowed in TAB. Was it 200. I dont see why there would be a limit of rooms in a text adventure. Surely it would be better to code a program to allow you unlimited rooms and objects dependant on memory.
Well congratulations Phil for writing an extremely cool program but lets have some more adventure games guys.
By the way what is the limit for rooms in TAB 200?
Think the objects were increased to 500
what about characters - how many max??
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RE: Adventures Empty
PostSubject: Re: RE: Adventures   RE: Adventures I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 24, 2011 10:11 am

Hi stants and thank you for your interest in TAB IF Creator.

Firstly, there is no conversion program to make CAT adventures run in TAB. So you were right when you said they would have to be recoded by hand; but this is not as difficult as you might first think because of the great similarities between the programs and the "condition/action" language used. The same thing applies to those old Quill/PAW text adventures. It is possible and not too difficult to rewrite one of those games in TAB too if you have the "unpawed" or "unquilled" files (because TAB is a sort of replicant and based upon those older retro systems - but more powerful) Copy/Pasting the text helps speed the rewriting process.

I would like to see the number of TAB users grow and for there to be more games accessible as well. I really think some good and interesting games can be made with the program. To this end I posted info on several forums and the IFWiki and some other places including twitter and also posted some youtube clips.

I will continue to support anyone who needs help in writing a TAB game.

The limits you asked about are currently:
Locations: 500
Objects: 200 (will increase to 500 soon)
Characters: 100

I am glad you like using the TAB and let me assure you it is perfectly usable to write/build a game. I know there are a couple of authors currently making games with it and would totally agree that if you're not using ADRIFT, TADS or INFORM then the TAB is an alternative creator to consider.

catventure (Phil)
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Experienced Adventurer

Number of posts : 71
Age : 50
Location : Maidstone, Kent, UK
Humor : I shall tear your soul Apart!!!!!
Adventure Points : 32
Registration date : 2009-09-16

RE: Adventures Empty
PostSubject: Re: RE: Adventures   RE: Adventures I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 24, 2011 10:33 am

many thanks Phil. I have mapped out an adventure on paper with all objects and characters etc. I am now going to start coding pretty soon but if i get into trouble I will post on these forums.
Thanks again for your help.
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Admin Adventurer

Number of posts : 410
Age : 72
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Humor : Enjoys a laugh!
Adventure Points : 77
Registration date : 2008-06-08

RE: Adventures Empty
PostSubject: Re: RE: Adventures   RE: Adventures I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 24, 2011 10:44 am

stants wrote:
many thanks Phil. I have mapped out an adventure on paper with all objects and characters etc. I am now going to start coding pretty soon but if i get into trouble I will post on these forums.

Hi Stants,

Good. Don't hesitate to post questions on any aspect of the program. I will do my best to help solve any coding questions or puzzle creating problems that might crop up. Other members might come up with solutions too. Anyhow, feel free to post on here at any stage of development and hopefully any misunderstandings or queries can be settled and cleared up quickly...
Best of luck with your story and hope you enjoy making it!

Good adventuring,
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PostSubject: Re: RE: Adventures   RE: Adventures I_icon_minitime

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