- garethfx wrote:
[start]talk to %charn2%#charpresentn2#charn2<>3[acts]cmessYou talk to %charname2% for a minute...[end]
the section " charn2<>3 " is that stating that character 2 is not equal to character 3 ?
This is a general purpose entry covering a "talk to <character>" type of command... Roughly translated it means:
IF a relevant character is present AND IF the character is NOT Character 3 in the Character Editor list THEN proceed and DO the actions of talking to the character which in the example prints:
"You talk to <character name> for a minute."
"charn2" is a variable that holds the NUMBER of the character referred to in %charn2% ie. it will do so if the second noun in the input phrase was a valid character noun typed by the player. So if the player types talk to fisherman and Bob the fisherman was Character 14 then "charn2" variable would be loaded with the fisherman's number - 14.
The "charn2" value can then be tested in a CONDITION such as "charn2<>3", "charn=12"; "charn2>=5" etc...
If the player tries to "talk to <character>" and the character in question IS number 3 in the Character Editor List - then the actions for this entry will not be triggered as condition "charn2<>3" will not be true.
As it stands, this entry will execute if used with ANY Character present EXCEPT for the Character number 3.