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TAB - thinBasic Adventure Builder

T.A.B. is an interactive fiction/text adventure program for Windows and made with thinBasic.
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 Turn of auto decription of container

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Experienced Adventurer

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Registration date : 2009-09-28

Turn of auto decription of container Empty
PostSubject: Turn of auto decription of container   Turn of auto decription of container I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 15, 2011 3:22 pm

Hi all.

Ive been through the response table just to check the above

Is there a command in the response table that governs the auto description of the contents of a container? Ive made one container that requires the player to take that initative.

Ive checked "showobjs" and it does not seem to be effecting "contents".

Any advice?

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Turn of auto decription of container Empty
PostSubject: Re: Turn of auto decription of container   Turn of auto decription of container I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 16, 2011 11:07 am

garethfx wrote:

Hi all. Ive been through the response table just to check the above
Is there a command in the response table that governs the auto description of the contents of a container? Ive made one container that requires the player to take that initative.
Ive checked "showobjs" and it does not seem to be effecting "contents".
Any advice?

Hi Gareth,
It is good to hear you are still adventuring with TAB.
How's your game going, then? Are you still planning to write one?
If so, would love to hear any details...

CONDITIONS "openedX" and "closedX" will be true if container object X is open or closed respectively.

ACTION "closeobjX" ensures that the object container contents cannot be accessed; neither will its contents be listed if the player tries to "look in the <container>". In other words it is "locked".

ACTION "openobjX" simply clears the container object status to unlocked/open. The contents of the container are now viewable by "look in <container>" or in an inventory listing if the container is carried.

By default all container objects start off in the game "open" so the contents listing for each container will be set to ON automatically...

If you wish to set up an object container to be initially "closed" (or "locked") then use an entry in Script 1 like:

'sets container object 6 to be initially closed (contents not viewable)

Contents will then not be viewable until a "openobj6" ACTION is called in a coding entry.

Hope this is what you meant? But please clarify if not or I haven't understood you correctly.


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Experienced Adventurer

Number of posts : 85
Age : 67
Location : Wales
Humor : Nothing like having a good laugh - oh and a pint!
Adventure Points : 53
Registration date : 2009-09-28

Turn of auto decription of container Empty
PostSubject: Re: Turn of auto decription of container   Turn of auto decription of container I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 16, 2011 1:51 pm

Hi Phil

You nailed it first time
Quote :
By default all container objects start off in the game "open" so the contents listing for each container will be set to ON automatically...

If you wish to set up an object container to be initially "closed" (or "locked") then use an entry in Script 1 like:

'sets container object 6 to be initially closed (contents not viewable)

That is exactly what I needed especially as I can set it at game start and forget it.

Yep still in the development of a game. Im making a version of Enid Blytons Faraway Tree. So I'm just getting the first locations sorted and adding in the puzzles. I "put it down" for a couple of months and cleared my head. I was able then to get some pictures together which will play a role in the game - to a small degree. Im also looking at some of the screen reader programmes on and off to see if a finished tab game will interact. A friend of mine some time back made a comment which sorta hit home. He was sighted, then lost his sight - He loved graphic based adventures and of course - they came to an end for him so I thought - Why not see if they can work for him through text. Some programmes he uses are amazing. The quality of the speach is really very good. So I thought, Why not? - its harder on the describing part but that just improves ones ability to use a language more effectively (I hope). Added to that is the fact that the Faraway stories have quite a few adventures - that gives me a wide scope and of course many levels to develop yet still reuse and add to some of the location descriptors.
Thanks again for the hand hold

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PostSubject: Re: Turn of auto decription of container   Turn of auto decription of container I_icon_minitime

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