Further update released today:
16 Dec 2009 (Release 53.2)
*NEW conditions added by request:
notanycharsroom - TRUE if no characters in player's current room.
notanycharsX - TRUE if no characters in room X.
anystaticroom - TRUE if any static objects in player's current room.
anystaticX - TRUE if any static objects are in room X.
notanystaticroom - TRUE if no static objects in player's current room.
notanystaticX - TRUE if no static objects are in room X.
notanyobjsroom - TRUE if no dynamic objects present in current room.
notanyobjsX - TRUE if no dynamic objects are in room X.
anyinroom - TRUE if any static AND/OR dynamic objs are in current room.
anyinroomX - TRUE if any static AND/OR dynamic objs are in room X.
notanyinroom - TRUE if no static AND/OR dynamic objs are in current room.
notanyinX - TRUE if no static AND/OR dynamic objs are in room X.
*NEW. %exits% text formatting tag. Will be replaced by the directions only from the player's current location - but only works if exits are on and it is not dark in that room... eg: "north, south and west"