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TAB - thinBasic Adventure Builder

T.A.B. is an interactive fiction/text adventure program for Windows and made with thinBasic.
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 TAB Alpha Version 48 Available

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Admin Adventurer

Number of posts : 404
Age : 72
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Humor : Enjoys a laugh!
Adventure Points : 77
Registration date : 2008-06-08

TAB Alpha Version 48 Available Empty
PostSubject: TAB Alpha Version 48 Available   TAB Alpha Version 48 Available I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 08, 2009 4:17 pm

Hello TabPeople,

New update released today!

08 Jan 2009 (Release Forty Eight)
*FIX. "say to <char>" typed without any character commands does not now print System Message 84.
(replies to this can be handled explicitly in Character Commands List - see "")

*FIX. "autoremoveobj" was not checking objects carried value before moving a worn object to player's held inventory.

*NEW. %cap% format tag. Auto-capitalises first letter of first word in text only. Useful for character name text that does not start with a capital letter eg:
"%cap%the black cat"

*FIX. Slight adjustment to turnscount routine.

*NEW formatting code tags:
%he.she.speech% - print "he", "she" or "it" depending on speech character's gender (male, female or "it")
%him.her.speech% - print "him", "her" or "it" depending on speech character's gender (male, female or "it")
%his.her.speech% - print "his", "her" or "its" depending on speech character's gender (male, female or "it")

*NEW Conditions:

charitemscarrX[ >= | <= | <> | > | < | = ] Y
eg: #charitemscarr1< 3#rem: Is character number 1 carrying less than 3 items?

charitemswornX[ >= | <= | <> | > | < | = ] Y
eg: #charitemsworn16> =9#rem: Is character number 16 wearing 9 or more items?

charitemscarrn1[ >= | <= | <> | > | < | = ] Y
eg: #charitemscarrn1< 3#rem: Is character charn1 carrying less than 3 items?

charitemscarrn2[ >= | <= | <> | > | < | = ] Y
eg: #charitemscarrn2< 3#rem: Is character charn2 carrying less than 3 items?

charitemswornn1[ >= | <= | <> | > | < | = ] Y
eg: #charitemswornn1> =9#rem: Is character charn1 wearing 9 or more items?

charitemswornn2[ >= | <= | <> | > | < | = ] Y
eg: #charitemswornn2< 3#rem: Is character charn2 wearing less than 3 items?

You can also use the %speech% formatting suffix for the SPEECH Character eg:

#charitemsworn%speech%<4#rem: Is speech character wearing less than 4 items?

charsamelocX,Y - Are characters X and Y both present in the SAME ROOM?

*NEW Actions:

speech=charn1 - set speech to be number of charn1

speech=charn2 - set speech to be number of charn2

speech=X - set speech to character number X (1-100)

smessX - same as "messX" except only works in Speech Command Responses

scmessX$ - same as "cmessX$" except only works in Speech Command Responses

charcharn1msg - similar to "charobjn1msg". Prints Character n1 examine text

charcharn2msg - similar to "charobjn2msg". Prints Character n2 examine text

*FIX. A blank line is not now output as a result of a Response code entry where no text is actually outputted

*IMPROVED. "charlocX" CONDITION can now be tested against player current room number:
charlocX [ >= | <= | <> | > | < | = ] room
Example: "charloc5=room"

*MODIFIED. F1 input command history reversed and text caret now appears at end of text

*NEW. System Message 86 (previously unused) can be optionally used for an extra reply when Player types in a valid Character Speech Command:

>farmer, go east

The farmer listens to your request.

The farmer travels east.

*NEW. "speechlistoff" ACTION command.
This action turns off Speech Character Command message reporting via "cmess", "mess" and other speech actions that print text - but only if the Speech Character is not in the same location as the Player. In such a situation any actions other than text output will still be carried out by TAB.

*NEW. Implemented "oops" command functionality on current input phrase eg:
>examine tablee

Sorry. I do not understand the word "tablee" as a noun.

>oops table

The table is very ornate and polished.

*FIX. "score", "score+X" and "score-X" actions now update statusbar text pane if followed by a "done" action

*FIX. "presskey" and "keypress" actions scroll behaviour corrected

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Admin Adventurer

Number of posts : 404
Age : 72
Location : UK
Humor : Enjoys a laugh!
Adventure Points : 77
Registration date : 2008-06-08

TAB Alpha Version 48 Available Empty
PostSubject: Re: TAB Alpha Version 48 Available   TAB Alpha Version 48 Available I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 09, 2009 5:49 pm


09 Jan 2009 (REVISED Release Forty-Eight)
*FIX. Some internal code fixes to improve performance and operation of program made

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