20 Sep 2008 (Release 43)
*FIX. Numbers can now be entered into Deletions Listbox on Vocabulary Editor.
*ADDED. n1=n2; n2=n1; n1<>n2'; n2<>n1 parser variable checking CONDITIONS
*FIX. "replay" action in TAB Player. Also turnscount adjustment for a typed replay/restart and a "gameover" action
*FIX. Bug in character movement for characters with a walk pattern causing TAB to crash
*NEW. Author can now control text in StatusBar (3 text panes). System Messages 81, 82 and 83 can be customized and can include message format %tags% such as %score%, %turns%, %brief% etc. See demos.
*NEW. Extra Conditions added on request:
objlocn1=carrworn - is object n1 carried or worn?
objlocn1=carrworncont - is object n1 in a carried or worn container?
objlocn1=roomcont - is object n1 in a container in the current room?
objlocn1<>carrworn - is object n1 not carried and not worn?
objlocn1<>carrworncont - is object n1 not in a carried or worn container?
objlocn1<>roomcont - is object n1 not in a container in the current room?
*NEW. "call_CONDITION" is an ACTION that allows you to call a condition check whilst processing actions after the [acts] tag in a coding entry. All conditions can be prefixed by "call_" to cause TAB to briefly jump out of ACTIONS to check the specified condition. eg: #call_flag30=2# : Is flag 30 equal to 2?
If the condition is passed as TRUE then TAB continues with the following ACTIONS. If it is FALSE then TAB exits that entry. This useful ACTION replaces the little used and not working correctly "then" action command which is now no longer supported by TAB and has been superceded by the "call_condition" action.
*NEW "call_ACTION" is a CONDITION that allows you to call an action during condition processing before the [acts] tag in a coding entry. All actions can be prefixed by "call_" to cause TAB to briefly jump out of CONDITIONS to do the specified action. eg: #call_cmessI am a message.# : Print a cmess.
TAB then continues checking the subsequent conditions as normal.
The "call_" commands will prove to be a very useful addition to TAB and they can be used in Response, Script1 and Script 2.
*NEW. (ADVANCED TAB CODERS) Character "charmsg" ACTION extended to include optional facility to include Character compliance level messages. If using this note that flags 501 to 600 will need to be reserved to hold the "trust/compliance" level for each Character. New CONDITION "trust=X" where X is the compliance level held in the corresponding flag linked to the Character being commanded.
More info on this in TAB forum/Email Group.
*FIX. Coding fix for Script1 and Script 2 "else" processing.
*FIX. Some minor fixes.