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T.A.B. is an interactive fiction/text adventure program for Windows and made with thinBasic.
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 code help!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Novice Adventurer

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PostSubject: code help!!!!!!!!!!!!   code help!!!!!!!!!!!! I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 02, 2008 12:36 am

[start]attack bear#[acts]cmessYou to attempt kill the grizzly bear, You have succesfully killed grizzly bear.#done[end]

how do i make that work on my room location 3.
please no turns
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Admin Adventurer

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PostSubject: Re: code help!!!!!!!!!!!!   code help!!!!!!!!!!!! I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 02, 2008 8:08 am

PrimitiveUser wrote:

[start]attack bear#[acts]cmessYou to attempt kill the grizzly bear, You have succesfully killed grizzly bear.#done[end]
how do i make that work on my room location 3.

Hi PrimitiveUser.

First you need to make sure that the verb /attack/ is present in the Verb List on the Vocabulary Editor.
Next if you are making the bear a Character creature you will need to go to the "Characters" Editor and make a /bear/ Character... You can make the bear start in location 3 from here too.
(If you're not sure how to use the Character Editor, check out the tutorial.txt and read about creating Characters)

Then go to Response Editor and put an entry in like:

attack bear#room=3#charpresentX[acts]cmessYou to attempt kill the grizzly bear. You have succesfully killed the grizzly bear.#destroycharX[end]

Substitute the "X" in charpresentX and destroycharX above to the number of the bear Character.

charpresentX condition checks that the bear is present in the current room

destroycharX action removes the bear from the game after it's been killed...

If you've done it right - it should work. Smile

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Novice Adventurer

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PostSubject: thnx that shud work   code help!!!!!!!!!!!! I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 02, 2008 5:31 pm

thanks illl just remove the xdestroy because i dont want to destroy it in my game, its really disgusting graphical game my first classic version
so i dont wanna do anything that is perfect.
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Novice Adventurer

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PostSubject: Code help! this time make it work give me details please   code help!!!!!!!!!!!! I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 06, 2008 2:01 am

First i want a attack thing

Ive made a character called /bear/grizzlybear/grizzly/ ive given it examine stuff.
that all...oh and i put the name to Grizzly Bear.
thats all i did accept. character 6 accepted.
i added a vocabulary thing the frist vocab list i named it /attack/
am i putting it in the right list?
Tell me the code for the attack bear situation..
here wut i want it to be, it has to be in my room 3 thats the only place u can attack the bear..
This it how i want it to go

I type Attack bear

then a text shows up and says You succesfuly killed bear!

tell me the whole code for that.

now i want a adding item to inventory..
heres wut i want, theres gunna be a mining thing.
example: Mine copper
You mined a copper rock blah bah!

then a copper ore object is added to my inventory u can say its object 4

tell me the full codes.
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Admin Adventurer

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PostSubject: Re: code help!!!!!!!!!!!!   code help!!!!!!!!!!!! I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 06, 2008 11:29 am

Hi PrimitiveUser,

Here is code for Response to deal with attacking and killing the bear.

[start]attack bear#room=3#charpresent6[acts]cmessYou to attempt kill the grizzly bear. You have succesfully killed the grizzly bear.#destroychar6[end]

The bear character will be removed from the game when it is killed.
That means it will no longer be described as a present character when the location is described.

Quote :

now i want a adding item to inventory..
heres wut i want, theres gunna be a mining thing.
example: Mine copper
You mined a copper rock blah bah!

then a copper ore object is added to my inventory u can say its object 4

OK. Well there is no problem to do what you want except you need to decide just how the player is going to discover the "copper ore" object...
For instance is the player going to have to dig in the mine to uncover the ore? If so maybe you need some tool object like a pickaxe, shovel or spade or something like that for the player to use to extract the ore...
Anyhow let me know with some more details and I will show you an example Response entry that will CREATE the "ore" object to the room or to the player's inventory.

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Novice Adventurer

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PostSubject: mineing ore   code help!!!!!!!!!!!! I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 06, 2008 8:56 pm

this is what i want

when i type in the game

Mine copper

it sends a object called copper ore in my inventory.

that all.
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Apprentice Adventurer

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PostSubject: Re: code help!!!!!!!!!!!!   code help!!!!!!!!!!!! I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 06, 2008 10:19 pm

PrimitiveUser wrote:
this is what i want

when i type in the game

Mine copper

it sends a object called copper ore in my inventory.

that all.

No-one is ever going to type "mine copper".
It is Interactive fiction. There is many variables to consider. Can you mine copper with bare hands? You actually in a mine? You can't just mine copper. The main type of copper ore, the sulfide ore, are beneficiated in flotation cells, while the oxide ores are generally leached. First the copper ore from a open pit mine is blasted, loaded and transported to the primary crushers. Then the ore is crushed and screened, with the fine sulfide ore (~-0.5 mm) going to froth flotation cells for recovery of copper.

If know realty is our own creation in IF games but you need some rules for the player.

Jason - Mining gold in a gold pit
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Pippa's Ghost
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PostSubject: Re: code help!!!!!!!!!!!!   code help!!!!!!!!!!!! I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 07, 2008 11:21 am

You're being a bit negative, Jason. This usually seems like a more positive and constructive forum. Let's have a "can do" attitude.

So here are a few positive and helpful suggestions for Primitive's game....

Perhaps try making it bronze ore instead of copper. It must be easier to mine bronze, since the ancient tribes managed it back in the Bronze Age.

The phrase "mine copper" (or "mine bronze") is going to be hard for the players to guess. They're should also be plenty of alternatives, such as --
"dig for bronze",
"dig with pickaxe",
"use pickaxe",
"mine for bronze",
"mine bronze with pickaxe",
"mine with pickaxe",
"get bronze with pickaxe",
"go mining",
"go mining for bronze",

Clever use of objects like the pickaxe mentioned above could help suggest the idea of mining to the players in the first place. (e.g. Examine the pickaxe and you'll be told, "It's the sort that's used for mining copper." Or bronze. Or whatever metal you finally decide to go with.)

Maybe there's an old miners' survey map lying around, and reading it reveals the best places to go mining. Reading it in different locations will tell you things like "It seems like there's bronze ore to the North," or "This should be a good place to mine bronze."

Better still, have an old miner as an NPC. The player could ask him about stuff, and he would mention mining in his replies, as well as providing background about the history of the game world, or at least this little part of it. Do the right thing to befriend him, and he'll follow you, and act like a human map, telling you "This bain't bronze country, but there should be some to the West," or "This would be a proper place to mine bronze."

Anyway, there's some positive suggestions for you, Primitive. Feel free to use any of them in your game if you like.
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Apprentice Adventurer

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PostSubject: Re: code help!!!!!!!!!!!!   code help!!!!!!!!!!!! I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 07, 2008 11:45 am

I have more than 30 years of experience with adventure games. I have an opinion. If you don't like my posts don't read them. I don't want to be lectured off you.


Pippa's Ghost wrote:
You're being a bit negative, Jason. This usually seems like a more positive and constructive forum. Let's have a "can do" attitude.

So here are a few positive and helpful suggestions for Primitive's game....

Perhaps try making it bronze ore instead of copper. It must be easier to mine bronze, since the ancient tribes managed it back in the Bronze Age.

The phrase "mine copper" (or "mine bronze") is going to be hard for the players to guess. They're should also be plenty of alternatives, such as --
"dig for bronze",
"dig with pickaxe",
"use pickaxe",
"mine for bronze",
"mine bronze with pickaxe",
"mine with pickaxe",
"get bronze with pickaxe",
"go mining",
"go mining for bronze",

Clever use of objects like the pickaxe mentioned above could help suggest the idea of mining to the players in the first place. (e.g. Examine the pickaxe and you'll be told, "It's the sort that's used for mining copper." Or bronze. Or whatever metal you finally decide to go with.)

Maybe there's an old miners' survey map lying around, and reading it reveals the best places to go mining. Reading it in different locations will tell you things like "It seems like there's bronze ore to the North," or "This should be a good place to mine bronze."

Better still, have an old miner as an NPC. The player could ask him about stuff, and he would mention mining in his replies, as well as providing background about the history of the game world, or at least this little part of it. Do the right thing to befriend him, and he'll follow you, and act like a human map, telling you "This bain't bronze country, but there should be some to the West," or "This would be a proper place to mine bronze."

Anyway, there's some positive suggestions for you, Primitive. Feel free to use any of them in your game if you like.
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Pippa's Ghost
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PostSubject: Re: code help!!!!!!!!!!!!   code help!!!!!!!!!!!! I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 07, 2008 12:29 pm

Sorry. I wasn't criticising your opinion or your experience, just the very negative way it was expressed in the post. I'm sorry if it came across any other way. That wasn't what was intended.
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Admin Adventurer

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PostSubject: Re: code help!!!!!!!!!!!!   code help!!!!!!!!!!!! I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 07, 2008 2:05 pm

OK Guys. Not worth this developing into argument or descending into unwanted slanging matches etc...
Please lets leave it at that. Worth remembering that Primitive is young lad only 13 years old - probably has very little experience with text adventures too...

Pippa's Ghost has enumerated above some interesting observations, ideas and I thought rather excellent suggestions for Primitive's mining puzzle - Thanks Pippa. Your contribution is most welcome. So now let's hear Primitive's thoughts on this in his next reply...

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Novice Adventurer

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PostSubject: ok   code help!!!!!!!!!!!! I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 07, 2008 3:55 pm

hello and um, yes thanks pippa for tellings me those stuff and there nice vocabulary stuff.

but where do i add those in the vocab, and.... when i type that like um

Dig bronze

then i want a object called BronzeOre to end up in my inventory.

i know how to make the object.

can u tell me the code like u did for the attacking bear thing (Which worked)

like that and it happens in room 8. thnx.
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Apprentice Adventurer

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PostSubject: Re: code help!!!!!!!!!!!!   code help!!!!!!!!!!!! I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 07, 2008 7:18 pm

Pippa's Ghost wrote:
Sorry. I wasn't criticising your opinion or your experience, just the very negative way it was expressed in the post. I'm sorry if it came across any other way. That wasn't what was intended.

Sorry Pippa too. I wasn't being negative but I see your point I could have worded it better.
I don't believe in a forum that tells you want you hear when it isn't true. Then again is it my place to judge other people's work?
I have alot of knowledge on the subject and don't see the point of keeping silent on something I think isn't right in a IF game and purely concentrate and the positive. Nothing will advance or learn.
Although I think your point was on how I delivered the point which I will work on.

Hope there is no hard feelings Pippa!
I have taken your point onboard and sorry if I have been rude to you.

Happy Adventuring,
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Apprentice Adventurer

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PostSubject: Re: code help!!!!!!!!!!!!   code help!!!!!!!!!!!! I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 07, 2008 7:37 pm

catventure wrote:
OK Guys. Not worth this developing into argument or descending into unwanted slanging matches etc...
Please lets leave it at that. Worth remembering that Primitive is young lad only 13 years old - probably has very little experience with text adventures too...

Pippa's Ghost has enumerated above some interesting observations, ideas and I thought rather excellent suggestions for Primitive's mining puzzle - Thanks Pippa. Your contribution is most welcome. So now let's hear Primitive's thoughts on this in his next reply...


Yeah I guess I better keep my opinions to myself as they don't go down well. I judge everyone to be like me in the stage of IF writing. I wrote my first IF/text adventure game at 12 years of age on the Quill before there was internet. I presume everyone is like me.
I tend to give advice when it's obviously not wanted.

Jason the Grue
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Admin Adventurer

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PostSubject: Re: code help!!!!!!!!!!!!   code help!!!!!!!!!!!! I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 07, 2008 8:09 pm

Hi Primitive,

I am going to suggest you first have a go at trying to create the Response entry for the mining puzzle yourself. See if you can figure out what you need to do to get it to work on your own and then try it out.
If you get stuck then by all means post your entry here so that we can see why it doesn't work as it should. And we'll try and put it right.

Remember the format for the Response entries:
They must contain a [start], [acts] and [end] tags and the first condition must be a "words condition".
Most members here are new to the TAB program and have only been using it recently so we are all newbies and nobody is going to make fun of your coding efforts.

It will be good that you start to begin to type in your own coding. You have to start somewhere and it's better than asking others to write ALL of the whole code for you - so begin slowly and take little steps. It may be confusing or difficult at first, but in time as you advance and become more proficient you will find it getting more easily understandable and when it finally "clicks" it will seem like second nature to make the scripts that you want..

If using /dig/ then that is a 'doing' word so it will need entering in the Verb List of the Vocabulary Editor.

You may need to make a new object(s) in the Object Editor to help the player get the "bronze ore".

When making the "ore" object in the Object Editor set its starting position to zero - 0
0 means it will not exist or show up in the game - until you want it to of course...

When the player has found the "ore" - you can create it to the player's location by using ACTION "createX" - where X is the number of the "ore" object.

Or you can make it go to the player's carried inventory by using action
which I think was what you were requesting to know.

Remember a good source of help is the tutorial/readme/language text files in the TAB directory.

Good Luck,
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Novice Adventurer

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PostSubject: hAAAAAAAAAAAAAARD WORKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!@$%%&%^&   code help!!!!!!!!!!!! I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 07, 2008 9:11 pm

i cant do that, i learn from memory.

this is wut i did and it stupid.

[start]dig bronze#room=9#objpresent8[acts]cmessYou attempt to dig for bronzeore. You have succesfully recieved a bronze ore.[end]

i dont even think objpresent8 is real!

and how do i add the add obj to inv?
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Apprentice Adventurer

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PostSubject: Re: code help!!!!!!!!!!!!   code help!!!!!!!!!!!! I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 07, 2008 11:14 pm

PrimitiveUser wrote:
i cant do that, i learn from memory.

this is wut i did and it stupid.

[start]dig bronze#room=9#objpresent8[acts]cmessYou attempt to dig for bronzeore. You have succesfully recieved a bronze ore.[end]

i dont even think objpresent8 is real!

and how do i add the add obj to inv?

It should read
[start]dig bronze#room=9#objloc8=room[acts]cmessYou attempt to dig for bronze ore. You have successfully received a bronze ore.#objn1loc=501[end]
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PostSubject: thanks   code help!!!!!!!!!!!! I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 08, 2008 8:58 pm

thanks that shud work
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