26 Jul 2008 (Release 40)
*CHANGED. TAB Player dialog window (text mode) now opens in same size as graphic mode game.
*NEW. Action "linkX$" automatically load a database into Player. eg: linkpart2.tab
Useful for multipart games over more than one database.
*NEW. "gfxdir=X$" and "sfxdir=X$" actions. Change picture and sound folders used by TAB.
eg: gfxdir=part2pics
*CHANGED. Any character movements are not now reported when player is in a dark location.
*FIX. The following actions were not working correctly *all* the time:
*CHANGED. playmovie display problems fixed. movie can now loop/repeat.
*IMPROVED. Long noun now works for ordinary and character nouns as well as object nouns.
*CHANGED. Video clip/movies are now called by the below actions:
playmovie1FILENAME$ - play a .wmv video clip in picbox1 ONCE only
playmovie2FILENAME$ - play a .wmv video clip in picbox2 ONCE only
loopmovie1FILENAME$ - loop a .wmv video clip in picbox1
loopmovie2FILENAME$ - loop a .wmv video clip in picbox2
Note: Player can press <ESCAPE> key to exit videoclips
*FIX. 'objn2notstatic' condition now works properly
*FIX. 'objn2notcontainer' condition now works properly
*NEW. Some new conditions added:
objn1lit - is object noun 1 a lightsource?
objn1notlit - is object noun 1 not a lightsource?
litX - is object X a lightsource?
notlitX - is object X not a lightsource?
*NEW. 3 new OPTIONAL Character SPEECH actions are:
"charobjn1mess" - print a Speech Character's response to an object noun 1 'examine' command (uses object examine message text in Object Editor)
"charobjn2mess" - print a Speech Character's response to an object noun 2 'examine' command (uses object examine message text in Object Editor)
In order for the above 2 commands to work in the Character SPEECH Response entries the normal PLAYER object examine message for the object in question must now terminate with a tag:
This tag informs TAB that it signifies the end of the Player object examine text - and that any text below it can be used for if character(s) are commanded to examine an object also.
Object Message 5:
The hat is a safety hat for protection.%endmess%
Once you have put in this tag, you can begin to type in each characters response to an examine object command....
Each character's individual response must be enclosed within %chX% tags eg:
Object Message 5:
The hat is a safety helmet for protection.%endmess%
%ch1%%speechname% says: "The hat is your size. You should wear it at all times."%ch1%
'rem: you can add comments in between char responses...
%ch2%The %speechnoun% tells you that the hat is made of a strong metal and has a sharp brim.%ch2%
%ch3%Joseph the farmer examines it. "Might be useful", he remarks.%ch3%
etc.. etc..
Maybe you don't want to type in different responses like this for ALL your characters.
You can make them reply with a standard character default reply using the %chdef% tags! eg:
Object Message 5:
The hat is a safety helmet for protection.%endmess%
%ch1%%speechname says: "The hat is your size. You should wear it at all times."%ch1%
'rem: you can add comments in between char responses...
%ch2%The %speechnoun% tells you that the hat is made of strong metal and has a sharp brim.%ch2%
%ch3%Joseph the farmer examines it. "Might be useful.", he remarks.%ch3%
%chdef%%speechname% says: "That hat looks like it fits you. Could be handy.%chdef%
So now for Characters other than 1, 2 or 3 the DEFAULT reply will be output...
Here is the calling entry from Char Response Commands:
[start]examine %objn1%#charpresent%speech%#or_objlocn1=%speechworn%#or_objlocn1=%speechcarr%#or_objlocn1=here[acts]charobjn1mess[end]
If player and char in same room then if the object is here or if char is carrying or holding it then print the Character's individual reply.
The other new action is similar.
charmsgX - where X is a MESSAGE number. Print Speech Character's response to a command.
Use a blank, spare or unused message for character replies using this action.
Let's say the player types in:
>say to <character>, hello
You decide to use Message 450 to deal with the various Character replies...
Message 450:
command HELLO
This message deals with player saying hello to character.
'REM comments are allowed.
%ch1%%speechname% says: "Hello".%ch1%
%ch2%%speechname% says: "Hello to you as well!"%ch2%
%ch3%%speechname% greets you pleasantly with a courteous nod.%ch3%
%chdef%The %speechnoun% welcomes you with a smile.%chdef%
Remember to add carriage returns to elements of ordinary messages if you need to
Char Response Command:
You can use random %r% message tags inside of %chX% tags as well. Remember to use correct format for random message elements.
There's an example usage of these commands in "char_command_demo.tab"