TAB - thinBasic Adventure Builder
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TAB - thinBasic Adventure Builder

T.A.B. is an interactive fiction/text adventure program for Windows and made with thinBasic.
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 Chaining TAB Datafiles

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Admin Adventurer

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Chaining TAB Datafiles Empty
PostSubject: Chaining TAB Datafiles   Chaining TAB Datafiles I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 23, 2008 1:10 pm


New in next version will be the "linkX$" action command.

This handy action allows you to load in the next part of your game in a multipart game should your game span over more than one database...
Or you can use it to load another TAB game from within your current game.

[start]kill monster#room=77#here22[acts]cmessCongratulations. You have solved the game.#score#cmessNow you must face the terrors of Part 2! The password for part 2 is: lizard#pause5#cmessLoading Part[end]

"linkX$" will clear the TAB Player of text and graphics and autoload the new database.
However in the Editor version of Player TAB will ask for confirmation first.

I've also created 2 other actions:


eg: gfxdir=part2pics
eg: sfxdir=part2sounds

These tell TAB to load pictures/sounds from the indicated folders in the application sourcepath.

That way you can have your music and graphic files in separate folders for each "part" in a multipart game or for separate games.

Best wishes,
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