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T.A.B. is an interactive fiction/text adventure program for Windows and made with thinBasic.
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Novice Adventurer

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Location : Perth, Western Australia
Humor : No one drinks XXXX or Fosters in Australia !!
Adventure Points : 8
Registration date : 2012-07-18

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PostSubject: You can see :   You can see : I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 07, 2012 4:37 am

Hi Phil,

Is it correct that system message 40 (You can see:) only displays if there are objects in the same room - and not when there are no objects but there are characters ...?

The following examples are current behaviour:

eg1 when only an object is present:
You are standing at the bar in your local tavern.
A door leads to the north.
Exits lead: north.
You can see :
a pint of beer

eg2 when only a character is present:
You are standing at the bar in your local tavern.
A door leads to the north.
Exits lead: north.
Russell the barman

I'd have thought eg2 would have read:
You are standing at the bar in your local tavern.
A door leads to the north.
Exits lead: north.
You can see :
Russell the barman


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Admin Adventurer

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PostSubject: Re: You can see :   You can see : I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 07, 2012 11:25 am

acko wrote:

Is it correct that system message 40 (You can see:) only displays if there are objects in the same room - and not when there are no objects but there are characters ...?

Hi Mark, Yes that is correct behaviour.

In TAB, you can and should extend your "Character Announcement" text field to include a little more than what is contained in the "Character's Name" text field particularly if the Character is not going to move from its location...

"Russell the barman stands behind the bar."


You are standing at the bar in your local tavern.
A door leads to the north.
Exits lead: north.

Russell the barman stands behind the bar.

What now?

You can vary these "announcement" texts by suing the %r% random tags within these strings eg:

Joseph the farmer is here.%r%Farmer Joseph stands near you.%r%Joseph, a friendly farmer, is beside you.

and even the "Character Name" text itself:

"Joseph the farmer%r%Farmer Joseph%r%The farmer named Joseph%r%Joseph"

So you could have something like:

Russell the barman is here.%r%Russell the barman stands behind the bar.%r%Russell the barman polishes a glass.%r%Russell the barman serves a customer.%r%Russell the barman looks at you.

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Novice Adventurer

Number of posts : 19
Age : 53
Location : Perth, Western Australia
Humor : No one drinks XXXX or Fosters in Australia !!
Adventure Points : 8
Registration date : 2012-07-18

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PostSubject: Re: You can see :   You can see : I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 07, 2012 2:54 pm

OK, thanks, Phil ...
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