15 Jul 2008 (Release 37)
*IMPROVED %lcase% and %ucase% can now be used in conjunction with ALL other text format %tags%
eg: "The following noun in this sentence will start with a capital letter - %ucase%%anyn1%."
*NEW %up% and %/up% text format commands. Set/Unset UPPERCASE text
Example: This sentence has %up%two words%/up% in uppercase.
*NEW 2 new actions for Windows Media Player audio/video movie files (Graphic Display Mode 2 Only):
playmovie1FILENAME$ - play a .wmv video clip in picbox1
playmovie2FIELNAME$ - play a .wmv video clip in picbox2
Movies will be adjusted to fit in TAB graphicboxes. Game will auto-continue when movie ends or if [SPACEBAR] pressed to exit movie clip. This means you can play "cut-scenes" or title/intro/credit clips, videos of game locations, actions, objects, characters, speech to player etc.. to make adventures more "real" and involving and create for a more interactive movie feel and experience!
NOTE: Any "Input Timeout" settings are suspended for the duration of the movie.
(Thanks to Michael Hartlef for: "mciVideo.inc")