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T.A.B. is an interactive fiction/text adventure program for Windows and made with thinBasic.
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 player input as variable in actions

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Novice Adventurer

Number of posts : 2
Adventure Points : 1
Registration date : 2012-02-29

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PostSubject: player input as variable in actions   player input as variable in actions I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 04, 2012 5:49 pm

Hello. Hoping this software is still being maintained as I find it very easy to learn as use. I was wondering if it's possible to catch player input into a variable to use in an action? Example: I want to allow the player at some point to choose their next location depending on which number they enter. While I can limit the choices, I still wouldn't know which choice the player is making. So the answer could be captured in a {variable} and used in an action like goto{variable}, versus making a separate goto action for each possible answer. Can this be done?

Edit: one other question I almost forgot. Is it possible to use the ask command in an answering entry in script2? Say during a password entry, if the player enters the first number in an answer, can the entry in script2 confirm the answer as correct and prompt the player to add the next number in the password? I tried this on a test file with the previous question situation, but it didn't appear to do anything once I entered the second number in.
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Admin Adventurer

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PostSubject: Re: player input as variable in actions   player input as variable in actions I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 07, 2012 5:39 pm

Quote :
Hello. Hoping this software is still being maintained as I find it very easy to learn as use.

Hello Locarin and welcome to this adventure forum. Sorry for delay in answering. I do not have as much time to spend on the program as last year due to some commitments - but I will still be around to provide help and respond hopefully with some constructive ideas and suggestions...

Quote :

I was wondering if it's possible to catch player input into a variable to use in an action? Example: I want to allow the player at some point to choose their next location depending on which number they enter. While I can limit the choices, I still wouldn't know which choice the player is making. So the answer could be captured in a {variable} and used in an action like goto{variable}, versus making a separate goto action for each possible answer. Can this be done?

Possibly can be done - although maybe not so easily... I don't know how many numbers (choices) you require to implement this but I suppose you could enter the needed location option numbers as VERBS into the verb vocabulary eg:

etc.. etc..

and then after you've arranged the option text to be printed eg:
"Please enter a valid option number..." you could create a RESPONSE coding entry something like this:


*** Above bit updated due to coding error! ***

You might also need to put qualifying room and or flag conditions in there too in order to restrict the operating of the response entry only at the correct time in your game.
Anyhow, it is an idea I just thought of to think over...

Quote :

Is it possible to use the ask command in an answering entry in script2? Say during a password entry, if the player enters the first number in an answer, can the entry in script2 confirm the answer as correct and prompt the player to add the next number in the password? I tried this on a test file with the previous question situation, but it didn't appear to do anything once I entered the second number in.

No. You can't use "ask" action in that way, I'm afraid.

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Novice Adventurer

Number of posts : 2
Adventure Points : 1
Registration date : 2012-02-29

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PostSubject: Re: player input as variable in actions   player input as variable in actions I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 07, 2012 8:38 pm

Thanks, Phil. I had figured I would likely need separate actions for each choice, just wanted to be sure in case there was a variable option. I guess for my second option I'll just eliminate 'ask' and stick to response entries. I suppose in a way it's better as it won't pull up the ask box, which can break the flow a bit far as playing goes. Thanks again, your help is very much appreciated.
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PostSubject: Re: player input as variable in actions   player input as variable in actions I_icon_minitime

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