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T.A.B. is an interactive fiction/text adventure program for Windows and made with thinBasic.
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PostSubject: combat system   combat system I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 22, 2011 7:00 am

In the game knightorc its really clever. You can attack characters with different weapons and enter combat.
I know that tab doesnt have a combat system (Maybe an idea for a future realease) but was just wondering if this could be implemented in an adventure game.
So when you type attack denzyl with <weapon> combat is initiated.
Is there any way i could do this in tab.
I guess it would have to know whether or not you are carrying a weapon.
I guess i could have loads of responses that deal with weapons.
Any way of doing this Phil?
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PostSubject: Re: combat system   combat system I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 22, 2011 9:18 am

stants wrote:
In the game knightorc its really clever. You can attack characters with different weapons and enter combat.
I know that tab doesnt have a combat system (Maybe an idea for a future realease) but was just wondering if this could be implemented in an adventure game.
So when you type attack denzyl with <weapon> combat is initiated.
Is there any way i could do this in tab.
I guess it would have to know whether or not you are carrying a weapon.
I guess i could have loads of responses that deal with weapons.
Any way of doing this Phil?

The only way of recording numerical "combat" stats would be to use the flags.

For instance you could use flags to record the "hit-points" or "health/damage" for the player and also for characters too. These flags can be increased or decreased or changed during the course of a game.

You can use the flag testing conditions to decide the outcome of a fight based on the values these flags hold eg: by comparing values between the player and the character when combat is initiated....

I will try and make a very simple example and post it later.

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PostSubject: Re: combat system   combat system I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 23, 2011 8:14 am

Hi stants,

I didn't have as much time as I thought to post up an example yesterday so will attempt to do it today...
The following flag coding conditions and actions will be useful in recording and controlling a kind of "combat" system...


flagX [ >= | <= | <> | > | < | = ] Y
Example: "flag16<17"

equalX,Y - Are the values held by flags X and Y equal?
greaterX,Y - Is value of flag X greater than that of flag Y?


flagX=Y - set flag X to contain a value Y
decflagX,Y - decrease flag X by numerical value of Y
incflagX,Y - increase flag X by numerical value of Y

randomizeflagX,Y - place a random value from 1 to Y into flag X.

addX,Y - contents of flag X added to flag Y
subX,Y - contents of flag X subtracted from flag Y
copyflagX,Y - contents of flag X replaces contents of flag Y

swapflagsX,Y - the values held by flags X and Y are swapped

Code embedding 'tag':

%flagX% - prints numerical value of flag X eg:
#cmessThe value of flag 15 is %flag15%.#

Now stants, what are your thoughts on how the combat is to be initiated?
You could use a spare flag to act as a sort of dice throw using "randomizeflagX,Y" eg: randomize100,2
If flag100 was equal to 1 then player loses say 3 hit-points from his flag but if flag100 was 2 then the character would suffer 3 hit-points damage...
You could slow down the combat output messages using the "pauseX" action for a kind of real-time "effect"...

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Experienced Adventurer

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Adventure Points : 32
Registration date : 2009-09-16

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PostSubject: Re: combat system   combat system I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 23, 2011 11:21 am

Cool thanks Phil. Yeah I will look into trying to make some sort of combat system.
Shouldnt be too hard to do. Just takes a bit of thinking.
Thanks a lot.
Kind Regards
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PostSubject: Re: combat system   combat system I_icon_minitime

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