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T.A.B. is an interactive fiction/text adventure program for Windows and made with thinBasic.
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 Re: Keys

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Re: Keys Empty
PostSubject: Re: Keys   Re: Keys I_icon_minitimeTue May 24, 2011 12:13 pm

Is it possible to have several different key types.

i.e Silver key, Gold Key, Bronse Key.

If i put this into object editor /silver key/ it doesnt like it I guess because of the space. I dont really want the user to have to type take silverkey as there should be a space after silver.
/silverkey/ does work however but i cannot put a synonym of /silverkey/key/ as I have several keys to be used in the game.

So all I want to know is can you have a space after a word in the object editor or does it all need to be just one word.


Kind Regards

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Re: Keys Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re: Keys   Re: Keys I_icon_minitimeTue May 24, 2011 5:29 pm

Hi Stants,

It's best not to have a lot of objects with same generic name...

You could use the


It is a type of noun (ordinary, object or character noun) that can have extra word(s) that are joined to it using a separator symbol making the TAB parser think that it is a single word...
For this separator symbol TAB uses: "¯"
which can be obtained by holding down the left ALT key and typing 0,1,7,5 on the numeric keypad then releasing the ALT key to get the ¯ symbol.

So you could use that for your KEY object noun "keywords". For example:




but probably best not to have the noun single word "key" as an object noun synonym, but instead enter it as a separate ORDINARY noun eg:


The problem comes when the player types
>take key
>drop key
>examine key etc..etc..

Since several keys may exist in the game at the same time - Which key are they referring to?

One quite EASY solution could be to put an entry early up the list into the RESPONSE Editor such as:

[start]%_%#or_n1=XXX#or_n2=XXX[acts]cmessThere are several keys in the game. Please be more specific about which key you mean...[end]

XXX = substitute this with the ORDINARY general noun NUMBER of the key.

Translated this reads: If the player types ANY VALID input but has ALSO typed the ordinary noun "key" as a first or second noun; then print the message asking the player to be a bit more specific about which key he/she means.

That might be acceptable to you as a makeshift solution...

(There is probably another way to custom design the Response entry to make the program seem more "intelligent" by checking which (if any) key OBJECT is present or "here" (worn carried or in current room) and so ASSUME the player is referring to a particular one - and then reset the parser variables, use the "updatecommand" action and then the "jump" action to carry on response matching to the relevant KEY object noun... You would need to know exactly how many keys in the game and their numbers)

catventure. (Phil)
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Experienced Adventurer

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Re: Keys Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re: Keys   Re: Keys I_icon_minitimeWed May 25, 2011 12:26 pm

cool thanks phil.

Used the long noun and its working perfectly.

Many thanks


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Re: Keys Empty
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