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TAB - thinBasic Adventure Builder

T.A.B. is an interactive fiction/text adventure program for Windows and made with thinBasic.
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 Re: Introduction

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Experienced Adventurer

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Re: Introduction Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introduction   Re: Introduction I_icon_minitimeTue May 03, 2011 7:22 am

Im getting a few problems with the opening intro. No matter how much i edit it its not working how i want it to work.

When i test my game the slider to the right is always at the top when it should be at the bottom so all i get on my screen when i run it is the first line of the intro.

I can move the slider down to view the rest of the intro but i dont want to do this.

I want to display all of my intro when i test the game.

Its also a bit intermittant as well. I tried running Piggery Jokery and the same thing happens. just one line of the intro displaying.

What should be happening is when you test the game the intro should be printed at the very top of the screen and the slider to the right should be at the bottom. Then if its long intro press SPACE to continue.

Its a bit strange though i run piggery jokery and then the intro works how it should be working except it prints 2 carriage returns at the top of the screen.
Then i run it again and the intro deos not display properly and it just displays one line of text but you can press space to continue.
So i run it again and still not displayed properly so i run it again and now it does display properly except for 2 carriage returns again at the top.


I know its nothing to do with my game becasue its happening with every adventure i test.

Try running Piggery Jokery about 10 times and see how the intro works one minute and the next it deosnt.

Is there some sort of way of sorting this out.


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Re: Introduction Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re: Introduction   Re: Introduction I_icon_minitimeMon May 09, 2011 8:23 pm

Hi Stants,

Thanks for your findings on this and apologies for late reply...

I've looked at the "PiggeryJokery" game and tried it in the Player and the Editor version of player as well...

It's weird but it has worked Ok for me each time with repeatedly loading, restarting and running from the Editor. It worked with a typed restart and also after a quit then reload etc...

Maybe the game version I used is different to the one available for download from the TAB site - so I will now proceed to check that and let you know.

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