Well I see what you mean.
You must remember that TAB is first and foremost a text adventure creator - not a dungeon type or rpg type of maker...
There is no inbuilt official combat system included, unlike some other programs specially made with stats for those kinds of fight/attack puzzles.
That said, some clever things can be done with the flags.
They can hold values relating to various attributes like strength, stamina and luck such as you mention; and yes, you can increase and decrease these flags and also have flags containing random numbers for comparison.
Also you can display the values of these flags in mess or cmess eg:
would print maybe:
Strength=15 (depending on the value held in flag 4.)
#incflag4,2#rem: increases flag 4 by 2pts
#decflag3,1# rem: decrease flag 3 by 1pt.
A flag cannot contain a string.
But there are embedded control codes for printing a character keyword or name:
%charn1% - prints Character n1 KEYWORD
%charn2% - prints Character n2 KEYWORD
%charname1% - prints Character n1 "name" text
%charname2% - prints Character n2 "name" text
It would be more or extra work and require quite a number of flags to keep track of....
Just depends if you think it worth it or not. The simpler you design it the easier it would be to code.