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 Re: Ships computer.

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Experienced Adventurer

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Re: Ships computer. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ships computer.   Re: Ships computer. I_icon_minitimeSun May 01, 2011 5:58 pm

I need a little help with this. Youre on board the enterprise and you can see the ships computer. Im inserting code to allow speech commands to the computer so it can respond and play a sound file. The thing is I know a character can be male, female or it and also it can be made to be static. ( A non movable character). But a computer is not male or female so I guess I give it the it option.

Im not sure whether to enter the computer as a static object and maybe put code in the response editor. You can ask the computer questions i.e ask computer about <object>/<character>.

What would be the best way of doing this?

Create the computer as an object and put code into the response table
or create the computer as a static character and write character commands for it.

Im not sure if a computer is really a character though. Its an object isnt it but you can talk to it. Any help much appreciated.
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Re: Ships computer. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re: Ships computer.   Re: Ships computer. I_icon_minitimeSun May 01, 2011 6:41 pm

stants wrote:

Im not sure whether to enter the computer as a static object and maybe put code in the response editor. You can ask the computer questions i.e ask computer about <object>/<character>.

What would be the best way of doing this?

Create the computer as an object and put code into the response table
or create the computer as a static character and write character commands for it.

Hi stants,
Hmmm... I am not sure either really Smile

I think I would enter it as a static object, assuming the computer is going to stay in the same place...
And then use "ask computer about XXX" type of commands, instead of
>computer, tell me about XXX
but a lot depends if you are only going to ask questions and elicit information.

You could even make it a non-object by just reference in the room description if needs be and not enter it in the Object Editor at all... Just an idea.
In that case you could enter /computer/ as an ORDINARY NOUN instead.

If making a character, I would agree with the "it" gender specification - although strictly speaking I would class it as an object.


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Re: Ships computer. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re: Ships computer.   Re: Ships computer. I_icon_minitimeSun May 01, 2011 7:00 pm

If making the ship's computer an OBJECT you could allow players to interact with it by cleverly using the LONG VERB facility...

LONG VERBS are words connected together to form one BIG verb by a separator symbol:

For this separator symbol I`ve chosen the ¯ symbol which can be obtained by holding down the left ALT key and typing 0,1,7,5 on the numeric keypad then releasing the ALT key to get the ¯ symbol.

Example Vocabulary Verb:

/computer ¯tell ¯me ¯about/

Player would type in an input something like this:

>computer tell me about XXXX

Response Entry would interpret as a simple VERB NOUN input!

[start]computer ¯tell ¯me ¯about XXXX#any conditions here[acts]actions here[end]

Worth thinking about.


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Experienced Adventurer

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Re: Ships computer. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re: Ships computer.   Re: Ships computer. I_icon_minitimeSun May 01, 2011 7:08 pm

oh great that sounds pretty neat. Didnt even know you could do that. Dont think ive read that in the manual or maybe I just missed it.

Ill start coding in those response entries tommorrow.

Thanks for your help Phil

Kind Regards


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Admin Adventurer

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Re: Ships computer. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re: Ships computer.   Re: Ships computer. I_icon_minitimeSun May 01, 2011 8:03 pm

Good. There's also long nouns too:
More info here:

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Re: Ships computer. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re: Ships computer.   Re: Ships computer. I_icon_minitimeTue May 03, 2011 11:18 am

Hmmm computer not working properly in editor.

In Voabulary as a verb I have:


In the game flag2 i have set to 0 as computer is not working until an object or task has been completed. so in response I have:

[start]computer¯tell¯me¯about %anywords%#flag2=0#[acts]playsamplecomputerunable.wav[end]

when i type in game computer tell me about <any words typed>

it doesnt understand

What am i doing wrong??


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Re: Ships computer. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re: Ships computer.   Re: Ships computer. I_icon_minitimeTue May 03, 2011 12:03 pm

I think I understand what you're trying to do - but it won't work with %anywords%. In fact you shouldn't need to use %anywords% at all. Also that action doesn't work exactly how you think it might either. It is only used at the end of RESPONSE list.


How about the above entry? It will trigger if ANY VALID input is typed in but only work if the verb typed was the verb number of "computer¯tell¯me¯about" and the flag 2 = 0 in which case should play the required sound file...

***But you need to insert another condition to check that the player is in the same room as the computer otherwise the entry will work in ANY location...
eg: room=X (CONDITION - is player in computer room)


Please try and let me know

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Experienced Adventurer

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Re: Ships computer. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re: Ships computer.   Re: Ships computer. I_icon_minitimeTue May 03, 2011 12:43 pm

Excellent Phil works a treat.

Thankyou very much kind sir.

Kind Regards

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Admin Adventurer

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Re: Ships computer. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re: Ships computer.   Re: Ships computer. I_icon_minitimeTue May 03, 2011 1:26 pm

Wow - you mean it really worked? cheers

I hadn't tried it - just assumed it would do Smile

That one entry alone saves having lots of other similar entries to cover asking about characters, objects, nouns etc

I take it then now I could type in

>computer tell me about spock

and assuming "spock" was a valid word in the vocab and if I hadn't got computer access yet, I would hear the computer unable .wav

Very neat!

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Experienced Adventurer

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Re: Ships computer. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re: Ships computer.   Re: Ships computer. I_icon_minitimeWed May 04, 2011 9:21 am

hehe yes phil its working a treat. If you type computer tell me about <anything here> it plays wav file unable to comply. Library data disc required.

Ive set a flag so that when you are in the room and you are holding object 5 and you type insert disc it plays another wav file and you have access to the computers data files. Then the user can type computer tell me about <lots of subjects here> to get hints on what to do next.

Thanks for your help on this matter.

Working great.

Kind Regards

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Re: Ships computer. Empty
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